Dog Training Classes with The Dog Nanny
I do not approve the use of Pinch Collars, Static Shock Collars. I use Positive Reinforcement Methods and reward based Training combined with my extensive Canine Behaviour knowledge to find the best method(s) for both dog and owner.
With 25 plus years of working with dogs of all breeds and extensive knowledge on breed traits, and canine behaviour I am able to find a suitable method or combination of methods to train your dog.
Always Learning: Training & BehaviourOver the last 20 years, there have been many advances in the understanding of how dogs communicate and navigate their world. As a professional I keep up with the latest advancements in the field of Canine Behaviour and Training. Attending and speaking at various seminars.
Above all leadership is key, “Dogs are natural followers”.
My policy is to present as many humane and effective options as possible for training and behaviour modification.
You care about your dog. You want a positive experience for both you and your four-footed friend. Whether you are looking for a training class or private training, you are looking for a high-quality, safe, and effective training experience.
When you choose "The Dog Nanny", you can be confident that you are working with a professional who has the knowledge and expertise to make your investment in dog training safe, effective, and even fun!
"The Dog Nanny" has extensive dog training skills as well as instructor skills to enhance the experience and success for you and your dog.
Marcia Murray has earned this credential by demonstrating her knowledge and experience in dog training and testing with several recognized associations.
As Certified Dog Training Instructor & Certified Canine Behaviourist she stays informed by continuing to advance her current knowledge in these fields and is familiar with the latest, most effective training techniques and equipment. As a Certified Professional Dog Training Instructor and Certified Canine Behaviourist she adheres to a strict code of Ethics.

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pets | animal, pet services