Angus Bred Cows / Heifers for Sale
Black Angus Bred Cows / Heifers For Sale ~ Grass-Fed AAA
If you sell high quality AAA beef directly to the consumer, this is a great opportunity to start a new herd or add to your existing herd. These cows / heifers have been selected over many generations for: Fertility, Temperament, and Grass-Fed Carcass Quality (GFCQ).
Grass-Fed Carcass Quality is the future for small and possibly large beef producers. GFCQ is the ability of the animal to finish to an AAA grade carcass on a grass diet (meaning no grain in the diet). The most important component of this trait is the genetic contribution of the animal. I have often heard it said ”you can feed poor quality cattle into high quality beef”. That may be true, because you have access to a wide range of feed inputs, meaning high energy diets consisting of grains like corn and barley. However, Grass-Fed allows only grass in the diet. Milk and grass to grow and grass only to finish. So… you cannot feed your way out of this one!
You must build a herd with a heavy reliance on Proper Genetics and the right type of grass diet!
Give us a call for more information: Alex, Murray or Tracee @ 705 623 4236 / 416 725 6232

- Offered by: Registered Breeder
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock