Silkie hatching eggs bred to SOP!
Please read full ad before messaging. Prices now updated to reflect spring/summer pricing.
Offering our extra hatching eggs across Canada. Available for local pickup in Innisfil (by Allandale Golf) or via shipping. By March, we only offer shipped eggs or chicks for local pickup as we are actively hatching the majority of our eggs (hence very limited availability offered only on dates our incubators are full and as a courtesy to those that can't pickup chicks).
Bred from show lines and purebred bearded (NO satin, sizzle, frizzle, naked neck varieties mixed in) silkie eggs available. We do have some frizzles as pets only, no eggs offered but they may appear in group photos.
$120 per dozen of eggs (no silkie colour requests, eggs are selected hen's choice for ease of planning our hatching calendar) + shipment fees (foam egg mailer available for additional $10 per dozen or we package tightly inside egg cartons. Our foam mailers are custom cut from memory foam to fit snuggly within our boxes and accommodate the smaller size of silkie eggs. We also take custom egg packaging requests; heat packs, bubble wrapped eggs, etc). All shipment boxes have fragile stickers, marked for signature so they are not left unattended outdoors and marked indicating which way the box should be opened/held to maintain position of air cell.
We collect the freshest eggs from whichever colour Silkie lays for your order. Our silkies are colour separated. We have standard APA/ABA sanctioned colours (The American Bantam Association recognizes nine colour varieties and the American Poultry Association recognizes eight, the ABA differs in that they recognize white bearded naked necks and paint) for shows and project colours only recognized for some shows, all bred to the SOP. You may hatch white, black, blue, splash, buff, buff partridge, lavender (self blue), silver partridge, porcelain (blue cream), blue partridge, red pyle and paint. Payment required prior to shipping (preferably by Sunday afternoon before orders ship Monday morning or your egg shipment may be delayed) and $20 deposit required to schedule and hold date/time pickup, per dozen eggs, for 24 hours.
Hatching eggs are time sensitive so we require two weeks notice to attempt to reschedule in case of no shows:). We can not guarantee another date will be available to reschedule. If less than two weeks notice, another deposit is required to reschedule your date. Thanks for your understanding! We put a lot of effort into managing our egg calendar.
Pm desired quantity and we will check calendar for available dates. Pm postal code + quantity for shipping quote. We usually do have a waitlist, so it's best to make a reservation in advance. However, sometimes we have eggs available on shorter notice. No deposit required if we have eggs available for same/next day pickup.
Please see other ads for available hens, chicks, etc. If no other ads are posted, we have none available and will not respond to inquiries for hens/pullets to this ad. Chick waitlist for spring 2024.
Our silkies are loved, cage free and free range on rotation within the fenced area of our property. They are raised around our kids and dog. They make amazing friendly, calm additions to the coop and are our favourite backyard chicken assistant biorecyclers!
Follow us @baysidesilkies on Instagram
Policy: We cannot guarantee hatching eggs, chicks or chickens once they leave our hands. Occasionally, even silkies bred to the SOP may result in a chick with undesired trait (DQ). In agreeing to the above, you understand that eggs can result in a 0% to 100% hatch rate and no percentage can be guaranteed from the seller to the buyer. We consistently hatch and test fertility. The possibility of damage during transport, exposure to inclement weather, delayed shipping, lost shipments, incubator inconsistencies, etc exists. Shipping times are not guaranteed. Tracking numbers are provided. Please contact postal service to follow up. We are not accountable for shipping. Deposits are not refundable.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock