looking for short mid term work in Lunenburg County
Hello beautiful ❤️ Lunenburg county. I am here to ask if anyone needs help with their business or household. I'm available today...
I am extremely responsible & have strength, stamina, intelligence, empathy, integrity, commitment to completion of tasks, education, utility transportation, reliability, recent clean driving & criminal record, hockey tennis kids coach, Big Brother Mentor, & this is 2 say a few choice adjectives... looking for short/mid term opportunities or jobs.
I'm humble & open 2 shovel, baby sit, train, clean garbage ️, mop, wipe, sterilize, watch, wash, train dogs, feed animals, chef, bake, clean, drill, organize, sort, shop, fix, cut, saw, hammer, build, drive, pick up, anyone or anything...
Devise & creative and innovative & strategic sales & marketing plan...plus of course execute its impact to $ucce$$!!
Assist in research for a business plan..
Mucho Gracias 4 reading this long winded post pass it on..
I truly adore this community and although relatively new looking to be an integral supportive long standing member& contribution going
References resume available
438 542 5681 cell

- Job type: Temporary
- Company: Kijiji
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