Summer kayak rental employee needed. Accommodations provided.
Lunenburg Kayak Rentals & Floating Cottages is looking for a summer employee. Wonderful Lilith has gone back to Germany so we are asking for applications now for a part-time position from July to September.
This job is perfect for either a local university student looking for part time work or preferably someone that’s not from Nova Scotia that’s looking to spend a summer here in beautiful Lunenburg.
Here’s why it’s a great position for someone from away… Our kayak rentals are quite often last minute bookings and only take about 20 minutes of work to help the visitors get the boats ready, pick out life jackets etc. This works best if an employee is on-site in our seaside trailer pr at the house a minute walk away. That being said, we don’t expect someone to be here non stop however it would be tough for a local to drive back and forth on very short notice. With all transparency, this position is best suited for someone that would like to stay rent free with some cool folks in a beautiful town for the summer.
Here’s a breakdown of what we offer and what’s required of you. We do offer a small monthly salary for spending money but most of your payment will be room, board and groceries etc. Helping with kayak rentals amounts to about 10 hours a week of work and cleaning the floating cottage will be about 10 hours of work. Seldomly we have 3-4 hour kayak tours you’d be hosting and the pay for that is $25 per hour. So basically it’s about 20 hours of work a week in exchange for a cozy place to live with your own bedroom, a seaside trailer that would be all yours, and you’ll get to go on awesome adventures with us throughout the summer.
Cons - it’s really not a lot of money, more of a summer experience for someone younger that’s looking to adventure for the summer without spending a dime.
Pros - we have a wonderful little community that you’ll fall in love with. We go on our own private motor boat adventures at least twice a week. You will have occasional access to a vehicle if you’d like to take a weekend or two and see some of the rest of the province. The work isn’t very challenging as long as you can paddle a kayak. You’ll have a great summer amd have lots of cool new experiences.
Yea we are a bit weird but we like it.
Feel free to email Mike or message on here if you’re interested and would like to chat. Thanks

- Job type: Part-Time
- Company: Kijiji
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