Trick Your Wheels Book Kit for Skateboards,Bikes & Skates
Age Range: 9 to 12 years. New, Unopened Book -- plus kit -- includes everything you need to turn your wheels into the coolest ride on the block! Be the coolest rider on the block! Whether it's biking, boarding, or inline skating, this kit has everything you need to keep you and your wheels in top performance. The action-packed book is as sweet as it gets -- you'll learn what ride suits you best and how to keep it looking shiny and new (even when you're covered in mud). You'll get goodies like the latest riding styles and tricks, plus insiders' lingo, and guidelines to keep you in one piece. Kit includes multi-purpose, one-of-a-kind tool and pouch, plus stickers!
Publisher:Scholastic, Incorporated
Length:64 Pages
Weight:1.05 lbs.
Dimensions:1.9" x 7.1" x 8.0"
Grade Range:Grades 4 to 7

- Ad Type: Offering
- For Sale By: Owner
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