Roxy -6month old female Husky Coonhound mix.
Born January 24, 2023
Roxy is a 6 month old female Husky/Coonhound mix Lemon and White coloured puppy.
I am currently fostering Roxy. She was rescued from a horrible situation just a few days ago.
She is currently recovering mentally, emotionally and physically from being locked in a crate with no interaction to the real world.
Most of her upbringing has been in the crate. She was found covered in faecses, lethargic and hungry. The pads on her feet were burned from the severe heat we had just last week. The crate had no protection for her. It stayed in the garage when I took the dog.
I can confidently say Roxy is on the road to 100% recovery. With medication and proper care each day she is getting stronger and stronger.
I would love to find Roxy a forever family home. Roxy loves children, car rides, running free, cuddling and playing with her toys. She gets along well with my 3 older dogs. They have whole heartedly accepted her into our home. Crating is NOT an option in my home. Birds live in cages, NOT DOGS! House training is going very well for Roxy. She is a very smart girl. She is in need of constant reassurance but settles quickly. Roxy is learning hand commands and basic sit, down, lay, come commands. Her personality is so full of love and very eagar to please. She likes to be a good girl.
I have her booked in with My vet to get her checked over and to get her shots up to date. Our appointment is still a couple weeks away.
Crating is NOT an option!!!! I can not stress this enough!!! Roxy suffers from ptsd. Loud noises and sounds scare her. Darkness frightens her but she is slowing overcoming that. The sounds of the weed wacker/lawn mower or the 4 wheeler still make her seek a quiet spot. Again, one day at time she is getting better and better.
She sleeps all through the night on her dog bed alongside my 3 other dogs. Roxy is learning not to jump on the table, counter or the couch. However, with people, she likes to jump up and say hello. She is very gentle but again, one day at a time we are teaching her how to be a dog.
I have fostered many pets in my days and I only have one request for a family or someone who spends lots of time at home that is considering adopting a previously abused animal. Upon consideration, I will require a letter of recommendation from your Personal Veterinarian.
Roxy will need all of her shots, also her follow-up booster shots, etc. The burns are slowly healing on her feet so she is able to run and play more. Gravel and pavement she is still unsure of as her tender tootsies need just a little more time.
If you feel like you might have a space in your heart and home to welcome Roxy, Please don’t hesitate to send me a message and we can discuss more.

- Offered by: Shelter
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2023-01-24 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming