Border collie pups
8 Border Collie puppies looking for a new home 2 female and 6 male. The Father "Russ" is a rough coat medium energy dog that has a lot of drive for working cattle but know how to shut off when he's done. He was extremely trainable and works every day following me around the farm in hopes he can help move cows or just go for a quad ride. The mother "Cinch" a medium coat never grew up with cows but has alot of drive and also very trainable she's good with kids and will endlessly play fetch or balance a stick on her nose.. These pups will only go to approved home as some environments are not suited for border collies. Visits to see the pups are welcome just give some warning and we'll try to accommodate you. A $500 non refundable deposit will hold your pup. All pups will come with first shots and vet check. Contact Brandon @ 4038508249 with and questions

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2021-07-17 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming