  • 17
      Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures Motorisé Classe C, 27 pieds,2015, 9 ceintures

    * Vidéo fournie sur demande par texto ou courriel
    *Toute offre raisonnable sera accepté
    Motorisé en très bon état, 2015, 120000kl,
    Inspecté SAAQ et près à prendre la route. Vininspectionreport.com
    9 ceintures
    3 lits dans la capucine,
    1 lit Queen, slide a out
    1 divant
    1 table, slide out
    V10, 450/6.8 litres,
    Fait 25 litres/100 kl
    Joints refais à l’automne
    Fiche descriptive fournie par courriel ou texto

  • 18
      Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham


    Grand terrain boisé de conifères matures de 46 048 pieds carrés (4 278 mètres carrés) situé dans un quartier paisible sur la rue privée des Acacias (cul-de-sac) à Dunham en Estrie.

    Adresse: rue des Acacias, Ville de Dunham. (Lot #1)

    Prix : 225 000 $ plus taxes

    Caractéristiques :

    À distance de marche des commerces, services et de l'école primaire.
    339 pieds de façade (103,53 mètres de façade sur la rue des Acacias).
    Zonage résidentiel permettant seulement la construction unifamiliale.
    Le lot ne peut être subdivisé.
    Aucun services municipaux (pas d'égout et d'aqueduc).
    TPS et TVQ doivent être ajoutées au prix demandé.
    Par téléphone seulement
    Stéphane 450-405-3376

  • 19
      439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford 439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford 439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford 439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford 439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford 439 500$ - Bungalow à vendre à Shefford

    Charmante maison de 3 chambres et de 2 garages à vendre dans la magnifique municipalité de Shefford dans un secteur tranquille et recherché.

    Elle est située sur le chemin Maheu à 5 min de Bromont et de l'autoroute 10 et à moins de 10 min de Granby. À proximité de plusieurs centres d'intérêt, dont la montagne de Ski Bromont et de la piste cyclable.

    Elle est également dans le secteur du Lab-école, école primaire du Zenith. 

    Beaucoup de travaux ont été effectués dans la dernière année sur la maison. L'intérieur est presque entièrement refait en neuf (cuisine, salle de bain, plancher de bois franc, gypse, peinture, etc.)

    La maison se situe sur un beau et grand terrain de 42 000 pi2 avec arbres matures. Elle comprend aussi 2 entrées indépendantes dont une menant à la maison et l'autre à l'arrière du terrain qui compte 2 garages.

    Parmi ces derniers, il y a un très grand garage en bloc de béton comprenant un poêle à l'huile et un chauffage électrique. Parfait pour en faire un atelier, pour un entrepreneur ou pour un mécanicien. Des entretiens ont été effectués sur ce garage. Le second garage de taille régulière est de construction 2017. 

    Puits artésien 2015.

    Fosse septique et champ d'épuration +/- 2017.

    Possibilité de prise de possession rapide

    Possibilité d'inclure les électroménagers dans la vente.

    Inclusion : Luminaires

    Vente sans garantie légale.

    Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations. 

    Mathieu 450-525-5658

    Louis 450-578-2527


    Charming house with 3 bedrooms and 2 garages for sale in the magnificent municipality of Shefford in a quiet and sought-after area.

    It is located on Chemin Maheu, 5 minutes from Bromont and Highway 10, and less than 10 minutes from Granby. Close to several centers of interest, including the Ski Bromont mountain and the bike path.

    It is also in the Lab-school sector, Zenith Primary School.

    A lot of work has been done in the last year on the house. The interior is almost completely redone (kitchen, bathroom, hardwood floor, gypsum, paint, etc.).

    The house is located on a beautiful and large lot of 42,000 ft2 with mature trees. Also, including 2 entrances, one leading to the rear of the lot which has 2 garages.

    Among these, there is a very large concrete block garage including an oil stove and electric heating. Perfect for a workshop or for an entrepreneur. Maintenance has been carried out on this garage. The second regular-sized garage has been built in 2017.

    Contact us for more information.

    Mathieu 450-525-5658

    Louis 450-578-2527

  • 20
      Terrain Granby Terrain Granby Terrain Granby Terrain Granby


    Terrain à vendre dans un secteur de prestige rue Duchesneau à Granby. Panoramique époustouflant, point de vue sur la ville en hauteur. Terrain isolé, tranquille et boisé au bout de la rue. Sur le terrain présence d'un garage de 1400 pi 2 , d'une piscine creusée et d'une maison d'été. 23$/pieds carré, aucune taxe à payer, services/installations sanitaire et aqueduc de la municipalité inclus. Prêt pour une construction unifamiliale ou intergénérationnelle et d'un bâtiment accessoire d'habitation. Terrain pouvant aller de 17 000 pi2 à 35 000 pi2 selon le souhait de l'acheteur. À l'arrière grand espace plat. À qui la chance.

  • 21
      Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé Terrain résidentiel à vendre - Lac Brome - Boisé

    40 rue Saint-Andrew. Magnifique terrain déservi, prêt à construire, de 54 800 pieds carrés (28.9m x 174.59m) idéalement situé dans un projet domiciliaire de choix. À quelques minutes de marche du lac Brome, 15 minutes de Bromont et du village de Knowlton et 1 heure de Montréal. Un des plus beaux et grands terrains du projet, vous offrant intimité et calme. Semi-boisé et sans voisin arrière, le terrain est desservi par les services de la municipalité (eau et égouts). À vous maintenant d'y réaliser la maison de vos rêves dans cet environnement enchanteur. Accès notarié au lac Brome. Possibilité d'adhésion à la piscine, aux jardins communautaires et aux terrain de tennis du développement des Boisés d'Inverness.

    Prise de possession rapide. Étude biologique complète disponible.

    Passez le voir et le marcher ce weekend!

    Regarder ici un vidéo du terrain (veuillez copier-coller un des liens suivants) :



  • 22
      Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison Terre agricole / boisé de ferme / terrain pour maison

    Terre agricole à vendre
    146 Rang Rosalie, Saint-Césaire
    ✅81.6 acres total dont 67 en culture
    ✅Fond de terre boisé avec potentiel acéricole et sentiers partiellement aménagés
    ✅Sous réserve de l’approbation de la CPTAQ, possibilité de reconstruire la maison sans revenu agricole (droit acquis d’usage résidentiel car présente avant le décret de 1979)
    ✅Chemin de ferme de grande qualité sur presque toute la longueur de la terre
    ✅Loam sableux de grande qualité
    ✅Niveau de phosphore équilibré
    ✅Terre fertile majoritairement en prairie depuis longtemps
    Non drainée
    Prix : 2,2 M$

  • 23

    Très beau condo situé a Punta Cana (Bavaro) en République Dominicaine, bien situé a 5 min de la plage, prés de services tel que restos, bars, banques, hopital, pharmacies, bus, taxis,etc., le condo comprends 1 chambre, grande cuisine/salon, balcon de 16' x 7' avec une splendide vue de la piscine, le condo totalise une superficie de 600pi.2 une unité très bien entretenue, tout meublée incluant tout le nécessaire pour y demeurer et/ou airbnb ou autres, pas de taxes municipal ou scolaire a payer, frais condo de 93$ us seulement incluant eau, vidange, égouts, sécurité a l'entrée, bref pour plus d'info écrivez-moi prix $130,000 DOLLAR US. réduit a 115.000 $ U.S. Libre immédiatment.

  • 24
      St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp St-Césaire, terre de grande culture drainée, nivelée, 43.75 arp

    St-Césaire en Montérégie, magnifique terre de grande culture drainée | nivelée de 12,7 ha ou 37.1 arp. selon le plan de la financière agricole. La terre a une superficie totale de 36.96 acres ou 43.75 arpents et est adjacente à l'autoroute 10. Il est possible de louer la terre à des tierces ou de l'exploitée vous-même. Excellente situation, loam Ste-Brigide, Aston sableux et un peu Raimbault.MLS : 15764606
    St-Césaire, Montérégie, magnificent drained and levelled agricultural land of 12.7 ha or 31.38 acres according to the financiere agricole's plan. The land has a total area of 36.96 acres and is adjacent to Highway 10. It is possible to lease the land to third parties or farm it yourself. Excellent location, loam: Aston sableux et ste-Brigide. MLS : 15764606
    Pour davantage d’information, visitez notre site internet, www Groupetrepanier. com, ou contactez-nous directement :
    Sylvain Trépanier
    Ctr. Imm. Agréé D.A. secteur agricole depuis plus de 40 ans

  • 25
      Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford Superbe Maison à Shefford


    Superbe maison plain-pied situé au pied du mont Shefford. Grand terrain de 35000pc, plafond cathédrale, foyer au bois, cuisine à aire ouverte avec ilôt et garde-manger walk-in. 4 chambres et 1 bureau qui peut être convertit en 5e chambre et 2 salles de bains complètes. À 3 minutes à pied du parc écologique Jean-Paul Forand pour randonnés en nature. Près de Bromont (7 mins), Granby (15 mins) & de l’autoroute 10 (10 mins)
    Plusieurs extras intéressants : Piscine hors-terre chauffée au sel, thermopompe murale, système complet de filtration pour l’eau du puits, cabanon 8x14' et un chargeur pour voiture électrique peut être inclus. Construction 2018.
    Faites vite!
    Contactez nous pour plus d’informations, ou une visite.

  • 26
      Room for rent in Three Sisters area Room for rent in Three Sisters area Room for rent in Three Sisters area Room for rent in Three Sisters area Room for rent in Three Sisters area

    Room for rent in peaceful home in the three sisters neighborhood of Canmore. Available May 1st. Share with mature professional woman. Looking for respectful and responsible tenant. Rent includes all utilities. Single tenant only, no couples. I work from home a lot so I am looking for someone who works out of the house. My home is pet free and smoke free!

  • 27
      Looking For Special Female Partner & Housemate. READ ALL, ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRES GET REPLY Looking For Special Female Partner & Housemate. READ ALL, ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRES GET REPLY Looking For Special Female Partner & Housemate. READ ALL, ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRES GET REPLY Looking For Special Female Partner & Housemate. READ ALL, ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRES GET REPLY

    Hi there. (MISSISSAUGA/MILTON/CALEDON surrounding, GTA areas)


    (as I did).

    Yes this is a unique proposal as I am creatively minded (: in more than one way :).

    I'm looking for a special female partner who wants a serious, passionate relationship plus sees the benefit of sharing rent or something to have a great place to live on a budget.

    I'm looking for a women with similar interests/hobbies and someone I'm attracted to and her to me.






    Late 40s BUT YOUTHFUL (I'm told I look 5-10 years younger)

    5'8" wht, 34" waist, I'm working on losing weight (at 170 lbs now) 160 is my goal. I am active.

    About 7" but thick member.

    Black shaven hair. Sometimes wear facial hair or clean shaven.

    I enjoy me and partner shaving privates.









    80s G.I.JOE



    Ask me and I'll give details.



    30s-40s, ***maybe a bit older..


    **Some Italian/Latin/Eastern European/Trinidad-Guyanese light/

    I'm open to a limit.

    5' to 5'5" (estimate)

    120 LBS TO 155 LBS (estimate)


    (not skinny, not over too much)


    (black/brown/blonde etc)






  • 28
      1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 1924 90 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia

    Peace River Country

    MLS® #10307668
    Check out this opportunity to own a unique and delightful 2-storey home with basement nestled in the heart of Dawson Creek! This sprawling beauty spans 1558 sqft of fully utilized interior living space to call your own. The residence, a spacious creation, is perfect for a large, growing family. It proudly hosts 5 large bedrooms, each one designed to ensure the comfort of every family member. The standout feature is the massive master bedroom that will be your private oasis after a long day. The family home boasts 3 bathrooms, thoughtfully positioned to facilitate convenience and privacy. No more morning bathroom rush hour! A well-appointed, large eat-in kitchen invites all the culinary exploits and family gatherings you can dream of. It's the heart of the house, guaranteeing memorable meals and engaging conversations. An attached garage provides not just vehicle storage but can be potentially reimagined as a workshop or extra storage. Any way you want it, it's got you covered! Luxuriate in the abundance of communal areas providing the perfect space for bonding, relaxation, and creating memories. Affordable comfort is within your reach in this cozy, well-priced property. Situated in a nice location and close to the city's amenities, yet just far enough to offer that serene, suburban vibe, this one may just work for you, let’s take a tour and see. SELLERS ARE READY AND WANT IT SOLD. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 29
      Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake Executive Dream Home, Nestled on 2.02 acres in Charlie Lake

    Welcome to your executive dream home, nestled on 2.02 acres and located less than a minute from the golf course & 15mins from Fort St. John. This custom-built family home boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and an attached triple garage. From the moment you walk in, you will be impressed by the vaulted ceilings, custom stone fireplace, and the abundance of natural light that floods in from the many windows. The chef of the family will love the designer kitchen with its quartz counters and high-end cabinetry. The gorgeous master retreat features a 5-piece spa-like ensuite with a jetted tub, perfect for unwinding after a long day. Enjoy entertaining and hosting gatherings on your extensive covered deck and around the fire-pit. This phenomenal home is a must-see!

    For more photos and information:

  • 30
      Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home Rare 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Bi-Level Family Home

    Peace River Country

    Opportunity knocks! This rare bi-level family home boasts 6-bedrooms & 3-bathrooms, nestled on a generous 7500 sq. ft. lot, just steps from Toboggan Park. Step inside to find a well-thought-out layout, featuring a spacious open-concept living area with a cozy wood-burning fireplace, perfect for warming up on chilly winter nights. The living area opens up to a dining area w/doors leading out to your oversized sundeck - perfect for entertaining guests. The chef of the family will love the newly updated kitchen w/crisp white cabinets, SS appliances & windows overlooking the backyard. The fully finished, sunlit bsmt is ideal for family gatherings or recreational activities. With fresh paint throughout, this well-maintained home is ready for your family to move right in!

    For more photos and information:

  • 31
      5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia 5961 242 ROAD Fort St. John, British Columbia

    Peace River Country

    MLS® #R2806212
    Welcome to your future home, located on 242 Rd in desirable Baldonnel. This 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom modern farmhouse style home has too much to list. Situated on 2.76 acre lot, fully fenced with a large 30' X 33' heated shop. Upon entering the main floor of the home, you will find, a beautiful 3 piece bathroom with shiplap and barn-style tiling, laundry room, a new bright modern kitchen, with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, tile backsplash, an eat-in dining area, living room with large windows and office space. Upstairs you'll find the master bedroom w/ensuite and private deck, three additional bedrooms and a secondary full bathroom. The basement offers a large games room, bedroom, study room, utility room, and bonus room. Back patio is covered with hot tub. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 32
      5528 49 Street. Fort Nelson, BC Propertyguys.com ID#62090

    Featured home for sale!
    5528 49 Street. Fort Nelson, BC Canada
    PropertyGuyscom LISTING ID# 62090

    7 Bed, 2 Bath, 2,372 ft2 Garage
    2372 sq.ft Family home with space for your growing family!
    7 bed, 2 bath with semi attached heated 2 car garage & detached workshop. Large backyard includes a garden area & RV parking.
    Enter into a generous sized foyer with dual closets & wall storage. This open concept kitchen & dining area feels spacious & bright.
    Your kitchen features an island installed gas range, lower drawer storage & ample cabinets for the home chef. 33 drawers and 12 doors all with movable shelving. Additional cabinets added in the dining area create bonus storage & a feature wall.
    The large living room includes access to the back deck / yard for convenience. Plus, 3 upper bedrooms & a full bathroom complete this level.
    For photos, information & to connect directly with the property owner tap the picture or the link to go to this real estate listing on PropertyGuyscom website.
    This property is marketed by PropertyGuyscom, Northern BC and Yukon.
    FSBO - For Sale By Owner Real Estate Marketing. PropertyGuyscom Canada's Largest Private Sale Franchise Network.
    From listed to sold! From the moment you decide you're moving, we're ready to help.
    Call or text today to set up a free information meeting to discovery how easy it is to market your home and save thousands with our flat fee services.
    PropertyGuyscom franchise owners:
    Dale and Rena Mae McDonald
    Northern, BC & Yukon.

  • 33
      653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia 653 105 Avenue Dawson Creek, British Columbia

    Peace River Country

    MLS® #200826
    Great sized home on a corner lot, 5 bedroom and 2 bathroom with a garage. On the main is a large kitchen with plenty of counter space, living area, main bath Master bedroom and another bedroom, hard wood flooring through out. 3 More bedrooms and a 3 pc bathroom down stairs, updates include updated windows and fresh paint. Massive fenced yard! (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 34
      Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale Custom Cabin Forsale

    Peace River Country

    Our cabin is officially FORSALE! Cabin ONLY, it needs to be moved. Buyer must move cabin at their cost.
    Our beautiful 2019 custom cabin by Rustico Log Structures is move in ready. 1200sq feet 1 bathroom with a custom walk in shower. 2 bedrooms, 1 on the main floor and the master bedroom is in the loft with a custom walk in closet. Heated by a wood stove, and has an on demand hot water (propane). This cabin has a beautiful custom kitchen with hand made cabinets that are also hand painted. With custom barn doors to each room! This cabin is absolutely beautiful, with big windows that bring in lots of natural lighting.
    The cabin will include all appliances. Elk antler & moose antler Chandeliers are not included.
    Please call or text me @ 250 219 8814 for more info or to book a day to come see it in person!
    Asking $180k OBO.
    Located in Rolla BC.

  • 35
      Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis Remarkable 153-Acre Country Oasis

    Peace River Country

    Welcome to this remarkable 153-acre country oasis boasting panoramic views of the Montney Valley; capturing every sunrise & sunset. Step inside your 6-bed, 3-bath family home which has been completely renovated, EVERYTHING was done including a brand-new concrete basement! A luxurious abode, offering an open-concept floor plan, abundance of windows, timeless kitchen w/quartz counters, gorgeous master retreat w/a jaw-dropping ensuite & a fully finished bsmt! A livestock enthusiasts haven. Fenced & x-fenced for horses w/gates, dugouts, 6 pastures & outdoor riding arena. The front yard is fenced so kids can play safely & the dogs have their own heated kennel & fenced run. Tons of space for the toys with a 30'x 17' garage & a 35'x 19'5 shop. Bonus: $4,100 annual oilfield revenue.

    For more photos and information:

  • 36
      TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres TWO Homes for Sale on 4.5 Acres

    Peace River Country

    Incredible opportunity to own TWO homes on 4.5 acres 15mins from Fort St. John! Beautifully landscaped, treed with a garden & fire-pit gathering area. The primary 2,400 sq.ft home boasts a rustic country feel with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a covered winter BBQ area so you can enjoy year-round entertaining. The secondary home boasts 1500 sq.ft featuring a modern, open-concept layout with 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms and even a swing, adding a contemporary flair. The property has 3 paddocks, a barn, hay storage & horse trailer/RV parking - ideal for equestrian enthusiasts. Easy access to Charlie Lake Prov. Park, only 2mins away & the elementary school only 7mins away. This property offers a perfect blend of tranquillity, convenience & versatility!

    For more photos and information:

  • 37
      House for Sale House for Sale

    Peace River Country

    House sits on .44 of an acre in town, vehicle access to backyard with lots of room for a second garage and toys. Text for more pics and info.

  • 38
      Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent Above Ground 3 bedroom Basement Suite available for rent

    3 Bed 1 Bath above ground basement suite available in a family oriented neighborhood in town. Parking for one car. No smoking at all due to owners allergies. Pets negotiable. No partying or hard drugs.

  • 39
      For rent

    Williams Lake

    Country setting ,15 minutes from Williams Lake,private. 14 by 68 trailer with large addition,which is bootroom and second family room. One or two mature adults only . Large yard,clean home. Looking for quiet long term tenants only. Includes lawn cutting. $1500. A month

  • 40
      Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath home on acreage fully furnished

    Luxurious 2 bed 2 bath &office home on 5.5 acres in 150 Mile House for rent, fully furnished. Only 10 min from Williams Lake.

    Entire main floor of custom built house (fully separate suite downstairs also rented separately). 1750 sqft of open concept living. Cozy up by the gas fireplace, leather couch, leather recliner, smart TV, beautiful art pieces through out and watch the wildlife on the acreage (floor to ceiling windows or from the large covered deck with patio set and smaller covered front porch to watch the sunrise).

    Chef’s kitchen has a gas cooktop, Bosch fridge, wine fridge, dishwasher, pantry, Henkel knife wear, etc. Fully equipped with silverware, plates, bowls, blender, coffee maker, kettle, pots and pans (etc).

    Main bedroom features large window, direct access to the rear covered deck, large walk-in closet, dresser, reading space (loveseat), queen size bed, ceiling fan, luxurious onsuite bathroom with heated floors, anti fog mirror, double marble vanity, 2 person shower and stand alone soaker tub.

    Second bedroom has a very large bay window, closet, dresser, queen size bed and ceiling fan.

    Guest bathroom has a shower and marble vanity.

    Lots of storage throughout the unit. Office space has double glass doors, lots of windows and office desk. Linens, towels and hangers also provided.

    Private Washer/dryer within the unit. Gravel driveway suitable for AWD or 4WD vehicles in winter. Parking for 2 vehicles available. No garage access.

    Utilities extra.

    Available for long term rental starting as of August 1, 2024

    References and interview required.

    $2700 monthly.

  • 41
      Fully furnished room for rent Fully furnished room for rent Fully furnished room for rent Fully furnished room for rent

    Williams Lake

    For rent May 1, furnished bedroom with shared living spaces. Kitchen laundry and bathroom. Everything included
    No smoking, no parties, no pets.
    Pm for more info.

  • 42
      Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision Available now

    Beautiful home in the Westridge Subdivision suitable for respectful, quiet, mature adults. Features a large kitchen; living room with 9' vaulted ceilings, gas fire place; a spectacular view from a private deck over looking the city and lake. 2 full bathrooms; 2 bedrooms; a large den on an upper floor; exclusive use of the front yard.
    Within walking distance of the bus stop, Carlson Park and the river valley trails.
    No smoking / vaping onsite.
    Available now. The Rent is based on Superior references. Application forms available.

  • 43
      BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath BIGGEST Home in Park with Yard and VIEW 3 Bed 2 Bath

    SHOWING Tuesday, April 16 @ 6pm.

    Rent this 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1136 sq ft manufactured home for $1600 per month.

    Modern soaker tub. Open concept kitchen, dining and living room. Three separate entrances. Homes are on only one side of the street so that you have a great valley view. Great Yard, great VIEW, great deal!

    ($1600 per month) Home with Yard and VIEW 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1136 sq ft

    Flooring has been replaced with LUXURY VINYL FLOORING. Rent this home in a beautiful VIEW park in Williams Lake. 9 minutes to shops and everything you need. 2 minutes to the mills.
    This is the whole manufactured home for rent. We have a 16 wide home. Most homes are 14 wide. It's the only 16 wide in the park and IT FEELS BIG AND SPACIOUS!!! NO UPSTAIRS NEIGHBOURS AND NO DOWNSTAIRS NEIGHBOURS! This is the most affordable way to live with a real fenced YARD. Right on School Bus stop next to your park mailbox. Sorry, no pets.

    Homes are on only one side of the street so that you have a great valley view. Great Yard, great VIEW, great deal!

    Fill out our online application at www.mobilehomeparkbc.com on the “Application for Tenancy” tab. In the box labelled “Any Other Information”, please state that you are looking to rent the 3 bedroom home, when you would prefer to move in and how long you are looking to stay.

    We are hoping for long term tenants that want to make lifelong friends in our community. Let us know in advance if you are attending the showing. Thanks for looking.

  • 44
      Garage Storage Garage Storage Garage Storage

    Williams Lake

    11x20 Heated Storage, rolling overhead door.

  • 45

    Williams Lake

    Room for rent in Glendale. Older house.nothing fancy

  • 46
      Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included). Westridge Studio Apartment (all utilities included).

    Desirable neighborhood. Spacious unit for bachelor/ couple, looking for long-term rental. All utilities included.

  • 47

    Seeking working professionals and contractors for this newly updated 3 bed 2 bath home home in a great residential neighbourhood.

    Fully outfitted kitchen with linens and modern furniture, enjoy a fantastic view from your own private deck.

    Hydro, wifi, heat included.

    Heated, attached one car garage with additional heated garage space available.

    Close access to the Hospital Renovation project and the trail head for the Fox Mountain trail system.

    $3600/mo for a 6+ month agreement, $4000/mo for shorter terms.

  • 48
      LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab. LakeFront Home on Argentia Beach, Pigeon Lake Ab.

    Considering a move to Alberta? This executive lakefront bungalow in Argentina Beach at Pigeon Lake is a must-see! Only 35 minutes to the Edmonton International Airport and the City of Leduc. This property offers a low-maintenance front yard & plenty of space for family & friends. With 3 beds, 2 baths, vaulted ceilings, bay windows, and pine throughout, this home is charming & spacious. The kitchen features hickory cabinets, stunning granite counters, & large island & dining area can accommodate numerous guests. The primary bedroom boasts lake views, a large ensuite & walk-in closet. Outside, a low-maintenance wrap around composite deck, pergola, & multiple outdoor sitting areas. The stone pad around the fireplace is perfect for enjoying sunset views. Two heated garages with a bunkhouse, providing space for a workshop or storage and the paved driveway offers ample parking. This ideal location is perfect for nature-watching as herons and swans are often seen in the cattails. With water sports & the Graves Wildlife Sanctuary plus walking trails nearby this property has it all. Plus, it's conveniently located close to golf groceries & more!

    MLS# E4377168
    Cameron Benbow-MaxWell Progressive

  • 49
      5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet 5 bedroom summer sublet


    Cute 5 bedroom home with prime location in relation to UBC, Kits, the beach, and the 4, 9, 14, and 99 bus lines! There is a cute patio and backyard- perfect for summer!
    We are all moving out by June and looking for 5 people to take our place! We can guarantee sublet from June 1 to the start of September.

    Feel free to reach out with any questions!

  • 50


    Pretty SOUTH facing, designer landscaped. Renovated home on a LARGE 80 x 117 sqft lot. Executive Rancher. Spacious rooms, private & bright all on 1 level! New windows, doors, driveway, garage door, pot lights, newer asphalt roof, 2 fireplaces, renovated bathrooms w/Kohler fixtures. This charming home is well maintained, renovated & features an updated kitchen, w/ high end wood cabinets, 3 large bedrms (1 bedrm does not have a closet), dining room, eating area, expansive living/family rooms. Fabulous south facing garden, red cedar fence, perfect for gardening & entertaining, or relax in your outdoor covered porch. Close to UBC, Shaughnessy Golf Course, Pacific Spirit Park & Kerrisdale. Quiet location. Best value on the Westside! Pre-paid lease until 2073. Open House Sat March 2nd 2:30-4pm.