  • 25
      Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc Terrain résidentiel à vendre, Lac Bellemare à St-Mathieu-du-Parc

    Situé à 8 minutes de l'entrée St-Mathieu du Parc de la Mauricie, à 20 minutes de Shawinigan, à 42 minutes de Trois-Rivières via l'autoroute 55 et à 90 minutes de Montréal via l'autoroute 40.
    Terrain 90 pi. X 330 pi. avec 110 pi. donnant sur le bord de l'eau d'une baie du Lac Bellemare. Orientation vers le Sud et soleil le matin, 27,271 pi.ca. ou 2,533.6 mètres carrés cadastré no. 6160227, conforme et prêt à construire.
    À côté du 2151 Chemin Principal à Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc. Infos : 819-852-8080.
    Terrain plat et gazonné avec 330 pieds sur le côté longeant le Chemin Principal (voir le croquis de l'Association des propriétaires).
    Entrée via chemin privé de 50 pieds donnant accès au Chemin Principal. Terrain entouré des 4 côtés d'une haie de épinettes matures.
    Aucune surprise et aucun délais de début de construction. La municipalité a confirmé par écrit qu'un permis de construction est disponible sur demande.
    Les bornes du terrain sont installées avec un Certificat de piquetage inclus dans la vente (valeur de 1900$). Un devis d'installation de fosse septique conforme est aussi inclus dans la vente (valeur de 1000$).
    Il reste à installer une fosse septique Ecoflo (environ 9500$) et un puits (environ 13,000$ ou possibilité de partager un puits avec le vendeur).
    Le Chemin Principal est asphalté et déneigé par la municipalité.
    Un sentier est aménagé pour descendre au Lac Bellemare. Ainsi, on peut mettre à l'eau facilement un canot ou chaloupe (moteur à essence interdit). Voir les photos satellite de Google Earth. Un tour du Lac Bellemare en canot nécessite 1 heure de plaisir dans la nature.
    À 800 mètres de l'épicerie du village et SAQ.
    Usage réservé uniquement à la construction d'une maison unifamiliale.
    Aucun chalet d'été, maison mobile, roulotte , véhicule récréatif, tente ou autres.
    Avec une maison construite, prévoir environ $2250 de taxes municipales et scolaires par année.
    Une maison adapté au terrain aurait une base carrée avec garage intégré. Voir les photos de DESSINS DRUMMOND du plan Massey no. 2490 comme exemple. Vous avez évidemment la possibilité de construire un modèle de votre choix.
    Un service internet de 25Mbits est disponible de Virgin Plus et par fibre optique de 50 ou 100 Mbits de Cooptel.
    Aucun champs agricole ni usine dans les environs.
    À visiter, sur rendez-vous. INFOS : 819-852-8080.
    P.S. Voir images satellites avec Google Earth.
    Valeurs incluses dans le prix à considérer :
    1,000$ : devis d'installation de fosse septique
    1,900$ : certificat de piquetage
    13,000$ : puits à négocier
    Prix de vente : 98,000$

  • 26
      479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan) 479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan) 479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan) 479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan) 479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan) 479 000$ - Maison 2 étages à vendre à Shawinigan (Shawinigan)

    Magnifique cottage de style anglais situé sur un coin de rue dans un quartier tranquille près des écoles et de tous les services. Cour très intime avec arbres matures, piscine creusée, très grand patio couvert permettant de profiter de l'extérieur beau temps, mauvais temps.

    Cette maison offre un milieu de vie paisible avec son cachet chaleureux, ses deux salons dont un avec foyer, ses deux salles à manger et une vue exceptionnelle. Le chauffage à eau chaude assure un confort supérieur.

    Maison idéale pour l'organisation d'une famille avec ses nombreux espaces de rangement, son grand walk-in et sa salle de lavage au rez-de-chaussée. Plusieurs rénovations effectuées au fil des années, système de chauffage remplacé en décembre 2023.

    Vente sans garantie légale.


    Automatic translation

    Beautiful English style cottage located on a street corner in a quiet neighborhood close to schools and all services. Very intimate courtyard with mature trees, inground pool, very large covered patio allowing you to enjoy the outdoors rain or shine


    This house offers a peaceful living environment with its warm charm, its two living rooms, one with a fireplace, its two dining rooms and an exceptional view. Hot water heating ensures superior comfort.

    Ideal house for organizing a family with its numerous storage spaces, its large walk-in closet and its laundry room on the ground floor. Several renovations carried out over the years, heating system replaced in December 2023


    Sale without legal warranty.

  • 27

    Vends un immeuble semi commercial composé de 7 logements, un local commercial et un grand atelier au sous-sol
    Beaucoup de travaux de rénovation ont été réalisés, plein de potentiel d’optimisation ( location courte durée RB&B, transformer le local commercial de plus de 2000 pieds carrés en 2 voir plus d’appartements, transformer le bâtiment en arrière sur 2 étages en 2 logements ou en entrepôt, voir les possibilités avec la ville).
    Revenus = 49 200$ actuels avant augmentation du 1er juillet.
    Autres infos sur demande
    Courtiers immobilier s’abstenir, merci

  • 28
      Centenaire avec projet commercial Centenaire avec projet commercial Centenaire avec projet commercial Centenaire avec projet commercial Centenaire avec projet commercial


    Maison centenaire avec projet agricole serre horticole plus 2em étage du garage transformer en projet de pousse..plus tracteur gazon tondeuse laisse aussi poullaier clavier à lapin tout en faites sauf outil ..je remplisrais plus tard le reste

  • 29
      Terrain 446 000 pied carré Face a la rivière St-Maurice Terrain 446 000 pied carré Face a la rivière St-Maurice Terrain 446 000 pied carré Face a la rivière St-Maurice

    Terrain à St-Roch-de-Mékinac
    446 000 pied carré subdivisable

    cadastre : 6 466 201
    superficie : 41479.1 mètre carré
    Face à la Rivière St-Maurice
    Hydro-Québec déjà sur place
    Petite terre à bois avec possibilité de subdiviser en 8 cadastres
    Taxe de parc déjà payé à la municipalité

    Terrain en forte pente, aucun chemin actuellement.
    Peut faire passer un chemin sur le lot voisin qui sera a vendre plus tard (via le chemin du Versant-Ouest)
    Super vue sur la plage de l'Ile Mékinac

    *Le terrain n'est pas riverain , la route 155 passe entre la Rivière St-Maurice et le terrain
    Le terrain est adossé aux terres de la couronne
    Bordé sur le coté par un beau ruisseau

    L'aqueduc municipal se rend a environ 100mètres du terrain.

    prix à discuter en personne

  • 30
      494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle) 494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle) 494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle) 494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle) 494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle) 494 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Bécancour (Ste-Angèle)

    Magnifique maison plain-pied construite en 2022 entièrement aménagée avec vue sur le fleuve et garage chauffé. Située dans un magnifique domaine familial à 10 minutes de Trois-Rivières. (Domaine de l'ile à Ste-Angèle-de-Laval)

    Celle-ci offre 5 chambres à coucher, dont une, avec pièce-penderie (chambre des maitres) 2 salles de bain complètes incluant douche en céramique et plancher chauffant à l'étage, 2 salles familiales et le rez-de-chaussée est à aire ouverte avec garde-manger et comptoir de quartz en cuisine avec four encastré et plaque de cuisson. 2 pièces de rangement sont aussi présentent au sous-sol.

    Plafond de 9 pieds.

    L'extérieur est aménagé, et bordé de bois à l'arrière.

    Inclus : 

    - Les stores, plaque de cuisson, four encastré et luminaire.

    Possibilité de laisser le spa et Gazebo neuf ainsi que frigidaire et lave-vaisselle.

    Situé près de tous les services et à proximité du quartier industriel de Bécancour.

    Une visite vous charmera! 


    Automatic translation

    Magnificent fully furnished single-storey house built in 2022 with river views and heated garage. Located in a magnificent family estate 10 minutes from Trois-Rivières. (Domaine de l'Ile à Ste-Angèle-de-Laval


    It offers 5 bedrooms, one of which has a walk-in closet (master bedroom), 2 full bathrooms with ceramic shower and heated floors upstairs, 2 family rooms and the ground floor is open plan with pantry and quartz counter in the kitchen with built-in oven and stovetop. 2 storage rooms are also present in the basement.

    9 foot ceiling.

    The exterior is landscaped, and lined with wood at the back.


    - Blinds, stovetop, built-in oven and light fixture.

    Possibility to leave the spa and gazebo new as well as fridge and dishwasher.

    Located near all services and close to the industrial district of Bécancour.

    A visit will charm you!

  • 31
      179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives 179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives 179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives 179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives 179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives 179 000$ - Terrain résidentiel à vendre à Trois-Rives

    Très beau terrain au bord de l'eau prêt à construire avec ensoleillement toute la journée! Cadastré 43 895,2 pieds carrés. Terrain excavé, défriché (partiellement boisé) et surélevé donc non inondable, avec accessibilité à la rivière Saint-Maurice. Rue cul-de-sac, à environ 500 mètres de la 155, donc beaucoup moins de bruit! Possibilité d'accueillir des animaux. Analyse de sol faite et transférable à l'acheteur.

    Réseau Hydro Québec déjà en place (poteau client installé). Internet et cellulaire accessibles.

    À 12 minutes de : restaurant, motel, station d'essence, SAQ, dépanneur, bureau de poste, sentier de VTT et motoneige, descente de bateau (Matawin). Plusieurs lacs aux alentours pour la pêche et la chasse.

    Clause complémentaire : préautorisation bancaire demandée.

    PS. Route 155 vers La Tuque, après la borne km 62, le chemin de la Rive est à gauche.

    Route 155 vers Matawin, avant la borne km 62, le chemin de la Rive est à droite.


    Automatic translation

    Very beautiful land on the waterfront ready to build with sun all day long! Cadastered 43,895.2 square feet. Excavated, cleared (partially wooded) and raised land that is therefore not floodable, with access to the Saint-Maurice River. Cul-de-sac street, about 500 meters from the 155, so much less noise! Possibility to welcome animals. Soil analysis done and transferable to the buyer


    Hydro Quebec network already in place (customer pole installed). Internet and cell phones accessible.

    12 minutes from: restaurant, motel, gas station, SAQ, convenience store, post office, ATV and snowmobile trail, boat trip (Matawin). Several lakes nearby for fishing and hunting.

    Additional clause: bank pre-authorization required.

    PS. Route 155 to La Tuque, after the km 62 marker, Chemin de la Rive is on the left


    Route 155 to Matawin, before km 62, Chemin de la Rive is on the right.

  • 32
      147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables 147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables 147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables 147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables 147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables 147 000$ - Chalet à vendre à Lac-Aux-Sables

    Situé sur un site enchanteur entre le lac Huron et la forêt, ce petit chalet est le havre de paix parfait. Venez profiter du lac, des sentiers de VTT et des levers de soleil dès cet été.

    • Chambre aménagée en dortoir
    • Poêle à bois
    • Ambiance minimaliste 
    • Accès notarié au lac Huron de l'autre côté de la rue 
    • Sentiers de VTT/skidoo à proximité
    • Accès au lac aux Sables via le stationnement de la plage municipale

    Le chalet est vendu entièrement meublé.

    Chalet 3 saisons, accessible à l'année.


    Automatic translation

    Located on an enchanting site between Lake Huron and the forest, this small cottage is the perfect haven of peace. Come and enjoy the lake, mountain biking trails and sunrises starting this summer

    • Room set up as a dormitory
    • Wood stove
    • Minimalist atmosphere
    • Notarized access to Lake Huron across the street
    • Mountain bike/Skidoo trails nearby
    • Access to Lac aux Sables via the municipal beach parking lot

    The cottage is sold fully furnished.

    3-season chalet, accessible all year round.

  • 33
      137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach 137 Government Road , Oak Lake Beach

    Hello lake life!! This year round property has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and is right along the water! Not only is it a lake front property but is also at a great location being right across the street from the store, near the playground and right next to the beach. If you don't want to be surrounded by others at the beach, don't worry, you can enjoy the lake from your very own property, along with a fire pit area surrounded with sand, a kids playhouse, large deck, sunroom, storage shed and privacy in your backyard. Some of the maintenance to the property has been new insulation in the crawl space, a new hot water tank (2019) and new shingle (2021). If you're not wanting to disconnect completely while you're at the lake, there's fibre optic internet available. The property is on Manitoba Government leased land. Want to check out what it all has to offer? Call your REALTOR® today for more details or to schedule your viewing!

  • 34
      437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba 437 Kilmury Place Boissevain, Manitoba
    MLS® #202331375
    R34//Boissevain/Find yourself at home in this charming 3+1 bedroom, 2 bath bungalow. Situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac with little to no traffic, this home is a perfect spot for your family! Conveniently located close to shopping, the hospital and a 10 minute walk from the Brand New Community Swimming Pool, opening Summer 2024! The interior features fresh paint throughout the main floor, central air, with a fully finished basement! The house is move in ready, and is your perfect starter, or opportunity to downsize. Call today to book a tour, Bungalows don t last long in Boissevain!! (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 35
      19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba 19 Elm Street Brandon, Manitoba


    MLS® #202402623
    DNE//Brandon/Discover the perfect blend of comfort and functionality in this charming 1152 square feet mobile home located in the picturesque Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park. Boasting a spacious layout, this residence features a large yard, ideal for outdoor activities and relaxation. The three-season den offers a versatile space that can be enjoyed year-round, while the deck provides an inviting outdoor area for gatherings. Additional amenities include a convenient shed for extra storage, an osmosis water system for quality water supply, and an online fire alarm system for enhanced safety. The home is constructed with 2"x6" walls and triple-pane windows, ensuring energy efficiency and durability. Embrace a cozy and modern lifestyle in this thoughtfully designed mobile home in Meadowbrook. Lot rent is $354 incudes water and taxes. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 36

    PENDING. 6plex building rental property. Building is only 5 years old (New). All rented with really quite, responsible tenants. Excellent return. 8.63%
    Building located in Brandon, Mb. Walking distance to schools, grocery store(Superstore), banks, restaurants, University, Hospital, and Police station. For price, pictures, and more details please contact Al at 204 573 8180. Thank you.

  • 37
      Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900 Homes for Sale in Cottonwoods, Manitoba $899,900
    Beautiful Acreage on Veteran's way, Close to Brandon & Shilo, on 40 Acres with 2 homes! The original home is a 1526 sq ft home with 3 Bedrooms/3 bathrooms. Living/dining/kitchen, large master with 4 piece ensuite and jacuzzi tub, 2 guest bedrooms and 4 piece bath on main. 2 piece bath in basement, utility room and large rec room, heated breezeway with hobby room, and insulated double garage. Nicely treed yardsite with 26x36 Shop, 28x36 store, and 20x72 greenhouse. The second home is a 1520 sq mobile home with 18x20 living room addition, large master bedroom with ensuite bathroom, 2 guest bedrooms and 4 piece bathroom, kitchen/dining/living room, pantry, and laundry, all on one floor, and double attached garage. Excellent property for shared living or rental opportunity for one residence. Call listing agent to book a showing today!

    Brokerage: Century 21 Westman Realty Ltd.
    Salesperson: Larry Jago
    MLS ®: 202325478
  • 38
      59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba 59 Hedin Crescent Brandon, Manitoba
    MLS® #202400661

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 39
      House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale House forsale


    5 bedroom
    One extra room downstairs (no windows)
    2 full bath (one in the master suite)
    1 half bath
    1 half bath but room to make a full
    Finished basement
    Finished deck front and back
    New cement fire pit (2022)
    Pool table comes with the home
    Hot tub not included
    Natural gas heating

    Short distance from the baseball diamonds, curling rink, skating rink, campground, pool and school

    For more Information contact Darcy 204-724-7802

  • 40
      Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains Acreage in the Turtle Mountains


    Nestled in the serene Turtle Mountains, this gem offers just under 2 acres of pure bliss. A modern 2021-built house, featuring 3 beds, 2 baths all on one level, with a walk-in closet and en-suite in the primary bedroom. The vibrant, year-round yardsite boasts fruit trees and lilac bushes, painting the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colors. Additionally, a spacious 32x40 insulated shop awaits, perfect for storing all your recreational toys. Situated just before Turtle Mountain Provincial Park's Lake Max entrance, you're surrounded by lakes, parks, campgrounds and all the outdoor recreation you could ever want! Your nature oasis awaits.

  • 41
      204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0 204 West Railway Street , Hartney R0M 0X0

    Affordable living at it's finest! This 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom home; has the master bedroom, the full bath, the living/dinning room area, the laundry, the eat in kitchen and mudroom all on the main level. Upstairs, you will find the 2 other bedrooms. The back yard provides you with a large deck and grassed area for entertaining, plus the insulated garage for extra storage, to use as a workshop or what we all enjoy come winter time, a place to keep the snow off the car. The house and garage were freshly painted in the summer of 2022 and there has been new flooring laid throughout most of the house in the past few years. Want to come see it for yourself? Call your REALTOR® today for more details or to schedule your viewing!

  • 42
      112 1400 PACIFIC Avenue Brandon, Manitoba
    MLS® #202331663
    A05//Brandon/This main floor 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom condo unit is currently under construction. Great value here for a sizeable unit in a convenient location. The unit includes an outdoor stall for parking and everything inside will be fresh and new at completion which is expected in Feb/24. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 43
      22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba 22 Wuskwatim Bay Thompson, Manitoba
    MLS® #202401814
    R42//Thompson/Discover the perfect blend of comfort and style in this inviting three-bedroom bungalow. Nestled in a desirable location, this home boasts abundant natural light streaming through large windows, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Step inside to find an interesting addition off the back entrance, adding a unique touch to the property. Enjoy the eat-in kitchen with maple cabinets. 3 bedrooms on the main floor and 4th on the lower level. 4 piece bathrooms on each level. Large family room in the lower level - lots of room for play or entertaining. The well-fenced and landscaped yard provides privacy and a quiet outdoor space. Additionally a single detached garage ensures convenience. Located in an excellent area don't miss this opportunity to make this delightful bungalow your new home. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 44
      Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale Thompson Manitoba home - private sale

    My husband and I purchased this home when we moved to Thompson in 2014 for 224,900. In 2020 he died and I moved to be near our families. In order to provide the best deal possible, I am attempting to list privately, to save realtor fees to allow for the lowest price possible. Please contact me for any questions. We had (have) wonderful neighbours, beautiful perennials in the yard including raspberry bushes, a small gazebo in the back yard, a large tree in the front offers some privacy and looks beautiful when it blooms and in the autumn. The roof was reshingled in 2021, all appliances are included, furnace is electric.

    Inside the house is a large finished basement, storage room, additional storage in the large laundry room, and a wood stove currently not installed and capped but available if you wanted to reinstall.

    The carpet was pulled and cork flooring was installed in the basement which helps keep the basement cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

    Close to UCN, Westwood elementary, Highschool, the millennium trail, and it’s on a quiet street which is nice if you have kids who want to go out and play.

    Please visit https://remaxthompson.net/11-perch-2/
    For info and pictures as it was previously listed for sale by realtor.

    Viewings available to serious buyers only.

    Thank you

  • 45

    $35,000 – A Winnipeg based business consulting and services firm specializing in selling businesses is expanding and seeking entrepreneurial minded individuals to open branches in Winnipeg, Brandon, Dauphin,Steinbach, Winkler, Thompson, Lac du Bonnet,Selkirk and other Manitoba locations. Branches are owner operated and may be operated as a home based business, as an add on to a compatible business, part time if so desired and suitable for a semi retired individual. Background in business management, accounting, or sales would be helpful but not completely necessary as all systems are in place and full training will be provided. Inquire for full details. Non – disclosure agreement is required.

  • 46
      Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home Mobile Home


    87 Grass River Drive
    Thompson, MB
    Year: 2005
    House size: 16’ x 80’ (1280 sq. ft.)
    Lot size: 45’ x 120’ (5400 Sq. Ft.)
    Bedrooms: 2 large Bedrooms. Primary bedroom has large walk-in closet and 4 piece ensuite with jetted tub. Second Bedroom has wall to wall closet.
    Bathroom: 4 piece main bathroom and 4 piece ensuite with jetted tub, off primary bedroom.
    Kitchen: Nice, open eat in kitchen with plenty of light oak colored cabinets. Moveable Island. Double stainless steel sinks with high arced stainless steel faucet. Built in dishwasher. Garden doors from dining area, leading to raised deck.
    Living Room: Large Living room with open concept to kitchen. Built in shelf. Large PVC picture window.
    Yard / Garage: Lot size 45’ x 120’ (5400 Sq. Ft.) Situated on a private treeline lot. Fenced yard with gate to treeline. Raised deck. Private backyard with fire pit and 8’ x 10’ shed in back yard. Very large paved driveway. 14’ x 20’ heated and insulated garage, with electric door opener.
    Extras: Laminate flooring throughout home. Newer front load washer and dryer. PVC Windows. Vinyl Siding. Motivated seller.
    Contact for a viewing at 204-870-7348, Thanks

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      214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba 214 Lake side Avenue Cranberry Portage, Manitoba
    MLS® #202403474
    R44//Cranberry Portage/Experience the epitome of summer lakeside living with this charming 3 bedroom ,1 bath seasonal cabin on Athapapuskow Lake. Nestled on a large lot of the peninsula at Athapapusko Lake, this retreat offers breathtaking views ! This cozy haven with a full home length sunroom is perfect for unforgettable summer getaways! Embrace the serenity and beauty of nature from the comfort of your lakefront escape! (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
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      Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park Cottage/Guest House/Garage- Paint Lake Provincial Park

    Paint Lake Provincial Park, Manitoba -Cottage/Guest House/Garage- built 2013 approx-2 storey-living area upper level vaulted ceiling -garage lower level with 10' ceiling -480 square feet per level-200 amp service-electric heat/water&sewage system-dock on Paint lake/steel with wood deck/ 8X8 crib /8ft ramp/8'x20' with poly floats-8'x20' shed/seacan type-gravel driveway- positioned off to one side of lot to accommodate larger future cottage-well insulated/well built

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      32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba 32 Spoonbill Crescent Thompson, Manitoba
    MLS® #202329689
    R42//Thompson/Located on a quiet street, this is a great opportunity. The kitchen/living room are open with tons oflight pouring in. Newer windows in living room and bathroom. Bright kitchen with European cabinets, vinylflooring. The living room and 2 bedrooms feature original oak hardwood flooring. A large deck is locatedoff the dining area. Three bedrooms on the main floor and a nice bathroom. The lower level is completedwith w/w carpeting. A wood stove is currently not in use. Single car garage. A new electric furnaceinstalled 2013 along with 200 amp pane. The yard is filled with beautiful mature trees. A great locationin popular Westwood. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 50
      4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale 4 Bedroom House for Sale


    4 Bedroom House for Sale across from Burntwood school
    10’ ceilings in basement, 24x22 de-tached garage, Jacuzzi tub in lower bathroom, new carpet throughout basement, Triple pane low-e argon windows. Available March 1, 2024 price negotiable