  • 7

    400 rue St-Joseph, Farnham

    Bâtisse commerciale et résidentielle située en plein coeur de Farnham! Elle offre 4 locaux commerciaux et 2 logements résidentiels (un 4½ et un 3½). Un vaste local est aménagé en gymnase avec plusieurs bureaux fermés et vestiaires. On retrouve aussi un spacieux local sur 2 paliers et un grand garage avec 2 portes de garage et un local avec plusieurs pièces. Revenus potentiels de 86 899 $ par année!

    Prix : prix affiché plus les taxes.

    La présente vente est faite sans garantie légale de qualité du vendeur, l'acheteur ne renonçant pas aux garanties légales données par des propriétaires antérieurs et reçues par le vendeur lors de son acquisition de l'immeuble, lesquelles sont cédées à l'acheteur par les présentes.

    Détails des unités :
    #404-1 : Local commercial d'environ 1000 pi², loué 850 $ + taxes/mois, jusqu'au 28 février 2024.
    #414 : Local commercial d'environ 1 650 pi², loué 956,73 $ + taxes/mois, jusqu'au 31 décembre 2024.
    #410 : Local commercial d'environ 1 350 pi², loué 434,88 $ + taxes/mois, jusqu'au 31 octobre 2024.
    #1 : Local commercial d'environ 6 679 pi², d'une valeur locative de 3 500 $/mois.
    #404-2: Logement de 4 ½ pièces, loué 800$/mois, loué jusqu'au 30 juin 2024.
    #400-2: Logement de 3 ½ pièces, loué 700$/mois, loué jusqu'au 30 juin 2024.

    L'immeuble a la possibilité de générer des revenus de 86 899 $ par année!

    Détails du #404-1: Local commercial avec bureau servant de réception, une vaste salle avec une salle d'eau attenante, une pièce de rangement ainsi qu'un garage à l'arrière avec une porte de garage.

    Détails du #414: Local avec une entrée extérieure donnant sur l'avant. Le local est sur 2 paliers.

    Détails du #410 : Garage possédant 2 portes de garage et entrée extérieure menant à l'avant. Des portes communiquent avec les locaux de chaque côté.

    Détails du #1 : Local commercial avec rez-de-chaussée aménagé de 2 vestiaires avec des douches et d'une salle d'eau. Un escalier mène au 2e étage. Cet étage possède une très vaste pièce munie de plusieurs fenêtres et d'un plancher de bois. On y retrouve aussi un espace réception avec un comptoir, un plus petit coin gymnase, 4 bureaux fermés, 2 espaces de rangement et une salle d'eau.

    Détails du #404-2 : Logement de 3½ pièces.

    Détails du #400-2 : Logement de 4½ pièces.

    Consultez la description des pièces en annexe pour les détails des pièces des locaux commerciaux.

    La présente ne constitue pas une offre ou une promesse pouvant lier le vendeur à l'acheteur, mais une invitation à soumettre de telles offres ou promesses.

    Les mesures sont approximatives.

    LD Agence immobilière

  • 8
      Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham Terrain à vendre à Dunham


    Grand terrain boisé de conifères matures de 46 048 pieds carrés (4 278 mètres carrés) situé dans un quartier paisible sur la rue privée des Acacias (cul-de-sac) à Dunham en Estrie.

    Adresse: rue des Acacias, Ville de Dunham. (Lot #1)

    Prix : 225 000 $ plus taxes

    Caractéristiques :

    À distance de marche des commerces, services et de l'école primaire.
    339 pieds de façade (103,53 mètres de façade sur la rue des Acacias).
    Zonage résidentiel permettant seulement la construction unifamiliale.
    Le lot ne peut être subdivisé.
    Aucun services municipaux (pas d'égout et d'aqueduc).
    TPS et TVQ doivent être ajoutées au prix demandé.
    Par téléphone seulement
    Stéphane 450-405-3376

  • 9
      650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton 650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton 650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton 650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton 650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton 650 000$ - Bungalow à vendre à Sutton

    Propriété très éclairée, 16 pieds de fenêtres à l'arrière, sur chaque étage, 3 puits de lumière au plafond cathédrale, foyers au bois au rez-de-chaussée et au sous-sol, piscine creusée 15 pieds par 29 pieds dans la cour arrière, arbres matures dans la cour arrière, terrain privé ceinturé par une haie de cèdres. Possibilité d'aménager des chambres additionnelles, en se servant de la salle à manger au rez-de-chaussée et du bureau au sous-sol.

    Salon, salle à manger et cuisine à aire ouverte et très ensoleillé.

    Propriété très bien entretenue.

    Située dans le domaine Gagné très sécuritaire à 10 minutes à pieds du village de Sutton

    Occupation immédiate.

    Vente sans garantie légale.


    Automatic translation

    Very bright property, 16 feet of windows at the back, on each floor, 3 skylights on the cathedral ceiling, wood fireplaces on the ground floor and basement, inground pool 15 feet by 29 feet in the backyard, mature trees in the backyard, private land surrounded by a cedar hedge. Possibility to create additional rooms, using the dining room on the ground floor and the office in the basement


    Living room, dining room and kitchen in open space and very sunny.

    Very well maintained property.

    Located in the very safe Gagné estate, a 10-minute walk from the village of Sutton.

    Immediate occupancy.

    Sale without legal warranty.

  • 10
      Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible Terrain à vendre endroit paisible

    Terrain de 75 X 150 pi. irr. superficie 8 933 pc. Localisé à Bromont, endroit paisible. Belle occasion!

    No de Centris: 26721634
    Adresse: Rue Smith, Bromont
    Dimensions du terrain:75 X 150 p irr
    Superficie du terrain: 8 933 pc
    Robert Noël Agence Immobilière
    Bur:1-800-210-2644, 450-246-2644
    Site web: www.robertnoel.com

    Via Messenger cliquez sur le lien:

    Pour une visite virtuel, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous:

  • 11
      Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre Ferme laitière à vendre


    Ferme laitière à vendre
    173 Rang Rosalie, Ange-Gardien J0E 1E0
    ✅87,81 acres total dont 70 en culture
    ✅Fond de terre boisé
    ✅Loam sableux de grande qualité
    ✅Niveau de phosphore équilibré
    ✅Terre fertile majoritairement en prairie depuis longtemps
    ✅Maison année 1990, 3 chambres à coucher
    ✅Étable laitière 67 attaches dont 49 reliées au lactoduc
    ✅Laiterie et équipements laitiers inclus dont lactoduc 3po, réservoir 800 gallons, pompe à vide Delaval vp78 et 8 milkmaster
    ✅Étable secondaire pour élevage de 24 places attachées
    ✅Fosse de 82x12 avec évacuair
    ✅Silo 16x60 avec videur Valmetal
    ✅3 remises à machinerie (40x60 - 35x16 - 20x32)
    Terre non drainée
    Possibilité d’acheter une autre terre de 82 acres située tout près de celle-ci. Voir mes autres annonces

  • 12
      Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont Maison a vendre Bromont


    A voir sur du Proprio (54 rue Champlain, Bromont, Qc)

    Magnifique plain-pied à paliers multiples (split level) avec garage situé dans un secteur très tranquille, offrant approximativement 2,200 pieds carrés d'aire habitable avec patio, terrasse et balcon à la chambre des maîtres. La maison inclut un appartement de type "Bachelor" à l'étage inférieur avec entrée indépendante.

    Le terrain de 21,996 pieds carrés est complètement paysagé et comprend un potager clôturé. Une magnifique haie de cèdres assure l'intimité de la cour arrière qui donne directement sur le golf du Château Bromont.

    La maison est située à 3 minutes de la montagne pour le ski l'hiver et le vélo de montagne/parc aquatique l'été.

  • 13
      175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby 175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby 175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby 175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby 175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby 175 000$ - Prix taxes en sus - Terrain résidentiel à Granby

    175 000$ plus taxes

    Grand terrain en ville de 32 292 pieds carrés (3000 mètres carrés) dans un endroit paisible sans voisin derrière (plantation de pins à l'arrière).

    À quelques minutes de l'autoroute 10.

    Bienvenue aux auto-constructeurs, aucun délai pour construire.

    Avec grange sur terrain qui peut être gardée ou démolie


    $175,000 plus taxes

    Large townland of 32,292 sq. ft. (3,000 sq. m.) in a peaceful location with no neighbors behind (pine plantation at the back).

    A few minutes from Highway 10.

    Welcome to auto-builders, no time limit to build.

    With a barn on land that can be kept or demolished.


  • 14
      Terrain Terrain Terrain


    Terrain en pente à vendre avec étang

    10 min Owl’s Head
    25 minutes Jay Peak (Vermont)

    Champ d’épuration, fosse septique ( sera à déplacer) , entrée sur terrain déjà faite , …

    Numéro de cadastre du Québec : 5553677

    Contactez nous pour les détails …

  • 15
      Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski Bureau a louer centre ville Rimouski

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    2 espaces de bureau d'environ 750 pc situé sur la rue St-Germain ouest.

    Localisation AAA au cœur du centre-ville de Rimouski avec espaces de stationnement sur place.

    -2 bureaux
    -Espace réunion/rencontre
    -Salle de bain avec douche
    -2 stationnements

    -Local étage 1050$ (750pc) par mois non chauffé non éclairé
    -Local sous-sol 790$ (800pc) par mois chauffé éclairé
    -Taxe d'affaire et participation aux services municipaux a payer
    -Participation pelletage entrée principale

  • 16
      3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre 3 chambres à louer en co-location dans une maison champêtre

    • Recherche personnes voulant partager du bon temps avec une famille à la fois dynamique, mais respectueuse de l’intimité et de la tranquillité des gens.
    • Disponibilité à partir du 1er juillet 2024.
    Caractéristiques de la maison
    • Peut être meublé ou non
    • Maison de style Normand décorée avec beaucoup de boiseries, à aire ouverte et toit cathédrale
    • LOUÉE jusqu’à la fin juin 2025 : Chambre loft intime et lumineuse (675 $/mois tout inclus : grand garde-robe, électricité, chauffage, laveuse-sécheuse, réfrigérateur, Wifi, stationnement)
    • DISPONIBLE à partir du 1er juillet 2024 : Chambre bleue lumineuse avec grand garde-robe (575 $/mois tout inclus : électricité, chauffage, laveuse-sécheuse, réfrigérateur, Wifi, stationnement)
    • LOUÉE jusqu’à la fin juin 2025 : Chambre mezzanine lumineuse avec garde-robe et salle de bain mitoyenne (525$/mois tout inclus : électricité, chauffage, laveuse-sécheuse, réfrigérateur, Wifi, stationnement)
    • Tranquillité à 5 min de Rimouski et à proximité de la nature (Mont-Comi, Chutes Neigettes et autres)
    • Grand terrain de 65 000 pi2 parfait pour les amants de la nature
    • Installations sportives sur le terrain et dans la maison (musculation, escalade, calisthénie)
    • À proximité de routes cyclables (pavées) et vélo de montagne
    • Nous avons deux bordie collie et une petite chatte adorable.

  • 17
      Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs Chambres à louer pour travailleurs

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Superbes chambres à louer pour travailleurs de semaine
    Tout inclus :
    Internet illimité
    Télé 60 pouces ds chaque chambre
    Frigo/congelo dans chaque chambre
    Salle de bain , laveuse sécheuse
    Micro ondes, four de cuisson , cafetière kuerig, rond de cuisson , machine a glace
    Literie, serviettes, savon, débarbouillette
    A côté de la 20 dans le parc cartier à rivière du loup
    À 7 minutes de tout

  • 18
      Location de chambre Location de chambre Location de chambre Location de chambre

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Très belle chambre à louee au 1 er étage avec salle de bain privée et balcon vue sur le fleuve à Notre-Dame du Portage incluant internet et cuisine , possibilité de frigo dans la chambre

  • 19
      Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska Maison entière à louer au coeur du Kamouraska

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Maison entière à louer pour un an à partir de septembre 2024 (possibilité de prolongation et de débuter la location en août au besoin.

    Rénovée, meublée, accès au garage et au terrain de plus de 100000 pieds carrés.

    Grande cuisine toute équipée avec four, frigo, lave-vaisselle, micro-ondes. La maison est desservie par l'aqueduc, la qualité de l'eau excellente.
    Salle à manger et de séjour avec foyer rotatif, grand salon avec bureau.
    À l'étage, 3 chambres avec lit double.
    2 salles de bain tout équipées (2 douches et 1 bain)
    Rénovations majeures faites entre 2021 et 2023, dont l'isolation et les pièces de vie. La maison est très confortable.
    La maison vient entièrement meublée et équipée, il ne manque que vos valises!
    La maison est entourée d'un très grand terrain avec champ, forêt et cap. Le déneigement et la tonte du gazon sont inclus dans la location. Possibilité de faire un jardin.

    La maison est située sur une toute petite rue sans issue bordée de pommiers centenaires, protégée par le cap, vous pourrez sentir l'air salin sans subir le vent froid qui vient du fleuve!

    À 5 minutes de la 132 et de la 20, la maison est facile d'accès, sans être sur des axes bruyants. Le cap protège aussi du bruit!

    De la maison, vous avez une vue exceptionnelle sur les montagnes, les champs de blé et une grange ancienne.
    Le fleuve se trouve à moins de 5 minutes de marche

  • 20

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Rue Lafontaine Rivière-du-Loup, belle visibilité, grande vitrine avant, libre 1er juillet

  • 21

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Chambre dans une résidence

    Proche de la piste cyclable et d’un arrêt citébus
    À proximité de l’université

    Valeurs recherchées :

    Par exemple, nettoie après usage
    Maintient son environnement propre
    Ne brise pas ce qui ne lui appartient pas
    Ne fait pas de vacarme
    Fumer c’est dehors

    Accès à une cuisine complète, chaudrons, etc.
    Salle à laver

    Appeler et laisser un message :
    581 624-3476

  • 22
      Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach Maison-mobile a louer dans le parc Breeze Hills Pompano Beach

    Maison-mobile 1 chambre, florida-room, wi-fi, tv du Québec, eau et électricité inclus,laveuse-sécheuse, il y a beaucoup d'activité dans le parc, non-fumeur, $2400Us par mois, disponible du 1 déc 2024 au 9 janv 2025

  • 23
      Maison à louer Maison à louer Maison à louer Maison à louer Maison à louer Maison à louer Maison à louer

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Matane (Petit-matane).
    Maison unifamilliale à louer.
    Plusieurs chambre (5)
    Grand terrain
    Vue sur le fleuve (accès en 5 minutes à pieds)
    Située a 1km d'une école primaire.

    Recherche personne sérieuse et capable de prendre soin d'une maison.

  • 24

    Rimouski / Bas-St-Laurent

    Idéal pour travailleur disponible dès maintenant (mars 2024). Immeuble sans fumée a 5 min UQAR ! Meublée, Chauffée , éclairée, TV, Câble et Wi-Fi. Literie incluse. Accès cuisine ,chambre de bain, salon, galerie et cour extérieure . Prix: $ 600.( mois). Contactez par téléphone:418-725-9896

  • 25
      14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia 14-4420 QUEBEC AVE Powell River, British Columbia

    Powell River District

    MLS® #17841
    Panoramic Ocean View Condo has legendary sunsets and a full width covered sun deck. Location in the heart of Powell River offers easy access to shopping, restaurants and marina. Top floor corner unit provides level entry, just steps to two parking spots.Schluter Radiance floors throughout with tile set in diamond pattern keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer. Spacious Master Bedroom with potential 2-piece ensuite. All popcorn ceilings replaced with smooth ceilings. Large laundry room with full size washer/dryer has extra space for storage. Developing neighbourhood adds value to the already desirable area. Approved pets allowed. Call for your private viewing. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 26
      7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia 7108 KEMANO STREET Powell River, British Columbia

    Powell River District

    MLS® #17894
    IN-TOWN VIEW ACREAGE! 2.2 acres in the heart of Westview offering breathtaking ocean views, fronting three streets, with a gentle slope ideal for tiered development, and a solid character home with outbuildings. A groomed forest walk follows the perimeter behind the iconic hedge on the corner of Westview Ave and Kemano St. Make this the estate of your dreams, and enjoy the established landscaping, develop a community of spacious ocean view single family lots, or re-zone to achieve higher density - the possibilities are endless for this one-of-a-kind property. Call today for more information. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 27
      38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia 38-6263 LUND STREET Powell River, British Columbia

    Powell River District

    MLS® #17837
    Welcome to Powell Lake Modular Home Park offering low maintenance living! This park is located in the Wildwood area giving you close access to Powell Lake and Marina as well as the Sunshine Coast Trail network. This brand new one-bedroom, one- bathroom home is vacant and ready for quick possession. It has been thoughtfully designed to accommodate modern living. The heart of the home is a bright, beautiful kitchen complete with European cabinetry, crown moulding, ceramic tile backsplash and a white appliance package. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a 10-year warranty and everything from the high efficiency gas furnace to ample sized deck being brand new. The park is adult orientated , one small pet welcome and a low pad fee of $450.00 monthly. Call today to view this great package. GST will be applicable on this sale. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 28
      County Rd 1/County Rd 3 Area


    Excellent chance to run a high volume gas station with LCBO and Beer outlet, pioneer branded gas station with double fiberglass, tanks (2019), 4 pumps and 8 nozzles, great traffic flows, high-income C-store with LCBO, kitchen for a potential hot good sale.

    or Visit:


    Not Intended to Solicit Those Currently Under Contract

    Listing Office : RIGHT AT HOME REALTY

  • 29
      Freestanding Industrial Property For Sale Freestanding Industrial Property For Sale

    Great opportunity for an owner user looking to be located between Ottawa and Montreal. Directly across the street from Giant Tiger's distribution centre, and next to US boarder crossing. Water and sanitary hook up available at the lot line.

  • 30
      1 Bedroom Condo in Brockville For Sale! 1 Bedroom Condo in Brockville For Sale!

    Explore affordable living in Brockville's North end! This 1-bedroom condo, unit 303 at 845 Kyle Court, on the 3rd level offers a spacious bedroom, a welcoming living/dining room, a functional galley kitchen, and a 4-piece bathroom. With a highly competitive price point, it's an excellent choice for first-time buyers or those looking to downsize. The apartment features all-inclusive condo fees, providing financial peace of mind in a secure and well-maintained building. Extra storage/pantry space. The building features shared laundry facilities as well as a common party room. Nestled in Brockville North end this condo provides easy access to parks, shopping, and dining. Don't miss the chance to make Unit 303-845 Kyle Court your home, where you can enjoy comfort, convenience, and affordability. Currently tenanted with tenants paying $827 per month, all inclusive. Dogs are not permitted. Due to tenant privacy, no interior pictures are available. Please provide a 24-hour notice for all showings. $10,000 Vendor take back available @ 3% interest only.

    MLS 1372645
    Edmundo Roa
    Sales Representative
    Capital Homes Team
    eXp Realty Inc.
    Tel: 1866-530-7737
    Cell: 613-864-5515
    11th Floor-343 Preston St. Ottawa, K1S 1N4

  • 31
      5 acre lot cleared land. Preseverence complete

    5 acres of cleared land ready to develop. Great drainage. Located in Iroquois, ON. 2km from 401 and amenities. No neighbours. Located on CR 16.

  • 32

    Private shared road from highway. Private driveway from road to water.Approximately 1/4 acre on the water is just above lake level. The back section is up a hill and all forest. This part of the lake is weedy , a pontoon boat is ideal. Will post pictures soon. NO AGENTS.

  • 33
      2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON 2 bedroom home for sale in Iroquois ON

    Charming two bedroom, one bath bungalow awaits it's new owners. This cozy country home sits on half an acre with plenty of room for outside gatherings and gardens. A fully renovated 16x22 detached garage adds practicality to it's appeal. Many updates within the home include new floors(2022), siding(2020), bathroom(2022) and interior doors(2022).

  • 34
      204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario 204 COLE COURT Brockville, Ontario


    MLS® #1382473
    Not just your average 2 storey home! This 4+1 bedroom home is situated on a large privately fenced pie shaped lot with in-ground pool surrounded by interlock patio awaiting its next owner to enjoy this summer! The main floor showcases many beautiful highlights including the skillfully designed eat-in kitchen overlooking the backyard retreat. Picture finishing meals with family in the formal dining room with gas fireplace and heading into the cozy living room with 3 sided gas fireplace to enjoy the evening! Laundry/mudroom and two piece powder room are located just off the garage to keep messes at bay. The second floor has 4 bedrooms which include the fantastic primary suite & main bathroom. The lower level has a recreation room, 2 piece powder room and a 5th bedroom – the perfect place for hosting overnight guests! Book a personal viewing now and you could be sitting poolside by summer! (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 35
      4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario 4642 CORNETT LANE St Andrews West, Ontario
    MLS® #1332443
    Welcome to the BRAND NEW Glenco Subdivision where 27 new homes will be built. The Mojave is an exquisite model offering multiple particularities starting with the split-level design. The living room has distinguished oversized windows allowing for the natural light to flow through the common area. The kitchen is designed to be practical with lots of counter and cabinet space. It comes with many upgrades such as cabinets up to ceiling, quartz countertops, soft close doors & drawers, many pots & pans drawers and a garbage/recycling pull-out. Both bathrooms include quartz countertops and tiled shower walls. The three bedrooms are designed with spacious closets. Exterior includes 10’ x 10’ rear deck, eavestrough and seeded yard. Schedule your showing today! (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 36
      #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario #MBR170 -155 MCCREARYS BEACH RD West Perth, Ontario
    MLS® #X8165164
    Check out this great Resort Cottage at an amazing price! This 2020 Northlander Whistler is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom resort cottage with 384 square feet of living space. It comes complete with decking, air conditioning, all fixtures and fittings. This is the perfect cottage to enjoy with the family and start marking memories in Perth. **** EXTRAS **** Air Conditioning, Appliances, Deck, Fully Furnished, Warranty*For Additional Property Details Click The Brochure Icon Below* (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 37
      5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario 5845 COUNTY RD 6 ROAD Elizabethtown, Ontario
    MLS® #1370010
    Attention farmers and hobbyists. This currently active 120+ acre farm is perfect for those looking to raise livestock or those looking for some acreage to play with. The fully fenced, mostly cleared pastures offer nearly 5000’ of road frontage only minutes from Brockville. The 2 bedroom, 1 bath all brick bungalow built in 2007 is awaiting your finishing touches to make it your own but is a truly gorgeous home. Boasting an open concept kitchen/living/dining room, main floor laundry, Primary bedroom set up for an ensuite and a huge open rec room with basement walkout. Need more? Steel shingle roof (to be completed by the end of July), Electric furnace with heat pump, 1.5 car attached garage. This home has it all. Current owner runs 30 head of cattle and the 40x80 steel frame barn provides plenty of space with an additional 40x40 round bale barn attached. This farm could lend itself to being a riding stable as well. Come check out 5845 Cty Rd 6, you won’t be disappointed. (id:24493)

    The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA
  • 38
      1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village 1 bedroom in a Chalet, 5 min walk to village

    Short or Long term lease, Private very quiet lifestyle. Owner in and out of town often. Prefer for single professional but couples welcome. Use of the full house. Recently renovated, modernly furnished. Management of house on an on going basis by owner, parking, storage, utilities included, wi fi , cable and Netflix, air conditioning, hot tub services, garbage and recycling collection, all equipped. Available June 1, 2024.

  • 39
      Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village Long Term 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, Walk to Village

    Bright spacious townhome available for annual rental. Available from May 1st ( however flexible with an early move-in date towards the end of April)

    Our home is located right beside the Whistler Golf Course and Valley Trail. Just a short 5 minute walk to the village. No car is necessary however two parking spaces are included. The home is fully furnished, with all appliances, 3 bedrooms, two decks, and some indoor and outdoor storage.

    Renters insurance is strongly recommended.

    It is a quiet non-smoking complex with a 10 pm quiet time.

    Pets considered.

    Thank you to all who are interested, only those shortlisted will be contacted.

    Showings will be available from April 18th.

  • 40


    Are you looking for a place to call home in Whistler? We currently have an opening in our home at Spruce Grove that we are looking to fill. The household is comprised of ourselves, whom are professionals in our fields living and working in the area for over a decade along with one other single tenant.

    Our home is not a party house nor is it a hangout spot. No working from home. No smoking or vaping. No pets. The house is kept extremely clean neat and tidy all the time. We spend most of our time outdoors and enjoy coming back to a quiet environment. This is our home!

    We are looking for an individual who would be a good fit in the house. The space becoming available is a large private bedroom and private bathroom on the walk-in level of the house. No parking space available in the driveway, but there are spaces around the neighbourhood. Rent is $1388/month plus utilities portion.

    We are looking for a longer term like minded person who has decided to make Whistler home for awhile to join our household. If this sounds like you, please get in touch with us.

    *Given the global health events of the past years, we also ask all individuals considered to provide proof of vaccination as we have aging family members seen often.

    *Only candidates with full descriptions about themselves, vaccination status, and character/work reference will receive a response. If this ad is up, we are still considering applicants.

    Looking to fill space for May.

  • 41
      Whistler Village Long Term Parking

    Marketplace Lodge underground. Suitable for a vehicle under 7 feet high with a valid registration and insurance. Note: The building bylaws do not allow the vehicle to be used as a source of accommodation. Long term. $125/month + $100 deposit. Keyfob provides access to the underground garage.

  • 42
      Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet Great 3 bedroom rancher in Lillooet
  • 43
      Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet Large House for rent Lillooet


    Large 4 bedroom house for rent. 3 full bathrooms(2 are double vanity units), lots of parking. Front and back covered decks. Big back yard, mature fruit trees, mowing/yardwork done by owner. Newer stainless appliances, newer washer dryer. 3 living areas, large dining area. Close to elementary school, Old Mill plaza and brewery. Can be furnished/negotiated for a crew house. 1 year lease preferred. Can accommodate shorter terms.

  • 44
      1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village 1-bed Condo for rent April 24-28 Whistler Village

    Whistler Cascade Lodge, 4315 Northlands Boulevard , Whistler, BC V8E 1C1

    I booked one-bedroom condo from April 24-28, 2024. But I can't go there and would like to transfer.

    It's steps away from the blackcomb Gondola, shops, and restaurants.
    1 queen bed in bedroom, 1 sofa bed in living room
    Full Kitchen, Max 4 people.
    Managed by Wyndham Group
    Please contact me for details.

  • 45
      Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village Cozy studio Whistler Village


    This beautifully renovated condo has everything you need for your Whistler getaway. Ample space for skis & snowboards in the patio storage and heated tile flooring in entrance will ensure your gear will be dry for the next day. Access the main living room just up the stairs where you will be welcomed with west coast mtn accents and fully furnished cozy layout.

    The living room has a new custom queen pull out bed, smart tv so you can access your Netflix account and a gas fireplace to give a warm finish to the room. Off the living room is the private deck and is equipped with a seating and mountain views.

    The dining room has a table with seating and is open with the kitchen and living room making dining simple.

    The kitchen is complete with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and plenty of cabinet space. It is fully equipped with everything you would possibly need to make a gourmet meal should you choose not to venture just steps into the village.
    Kitchen amenities include:
    – Coffee Maker
    – Crockpot
    – Ample dish wear
    – Pots & Pans
    – Glassware (juice, wine etc…)
    – Toaster
    – Spices and oils

    In Suite Laundry is located in the closet at the top of the stair leading to the dining room.

    THIS property is Available for the month of june 10th 2024 6 months or 1 year

    please contact me on here for any further questions

  • 46

    Vacant light industrial land for rent in Squamish. Located in Downtown South.
    Approx. 50x80 feet. Available starting early to mid-May.

  • 47
      4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse 4bed 3bath Squamish Townhouse


    TarsemHaus: the first multi-family Certified Passive House development in Squamish. This 4 bed, 3 bath townhouse is an end unit, the largest in the 8-unit building.

    TarsemHaus offers high efficiency living. Reduce both your ecological footprint and your hydro bills. Inclusive of an ERV system, large garage, UV triple pane windows, luxury finishings, and mountain views from the private rooftop patio.

    About the Unit:
    3 storey + basement garage
    2009 square ft.
    Built in 2020
    Top floor master bedroom with big closet and big master-bathroom
    Secluded, private rooftop patio (old picture before completed)
    Big garage + additional parking

    Rental Agreement:
    1 year lease
    Starting June 1
    $5,200 monthly + utilities
    No smoking
    Credit, reference, and employment check
    Deposit required

    Please contact us with a bit about yourself to inquire. Thank You!

  • 48
      For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent


    Very quiet area with LNGC tenants. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom. 2 smaller bedrooms with double beds and a master with a king bed. Carport in front and fenced yard in the back with green space all around. Playground and wading pool behind townhouses. Completely renovated top to bottom. Everything new. Renting for 4000/mth including all furniture and appliances and all utilities. Turn key for one price.

  • 49
      Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat Beautiful 3br 1.5 bath home for rent in Kitimat

    This is a lovely house located in a family-friendly neighborhood. It has been nicely updated and features a central air conditioning system, a modern kitchen complete with granite countertops, beautiful hardwood flooring throughout the main level, a fenced backyard, and a garage with a power door. Please note that the price does not include furniture or utilities, but we are open to discussing an all-inclusive lease option.

  • 50
      4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Charming Storey and a half.

    This cute 4 bed, 2 bath storey and a half is on the rental market! Two bedrooms up as well as two bedrooms down with bathrooms on both levels. This home has had some great updates that includes all new flooring, freshly painted throughout, updates to both bathrooms and a newer high-efficiency furnace. Located on a nice, quiet street with a fully-fenced backyard.
    Utilities not included. Rental References required.