CKC Dogue De Bordeaux puppies
We are pleased to announce that Pyro and Arsen of Giant Dreams have given birth to a beautiful healthy litter of 11 on January 10th 2024. 4 females 7 males. We are now accepting a $500 deposit to hold a puppy to approved homes only. Puppies will be selected at 6 weeks of age in the order we received your deposits. Puppies will be ready for their new forever homes no sooner then March 6th 2024 when they are 8 weeks old. Puppies come with CKC pet registration, their first set of shots, dew claws removed, health check by vet at 8 weeks, dewormed x3, and lifetime breeder support. If you are interested in a puppy please reply or contact us at 226 626-5336. Please feel free to visit our website at www.giantdreams.ca or on Facebook at Giant Dreams Kennel.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2024-01-10 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming