American pittbull terrier puppies
6 Beautiful pups ready to go Nov 20th pups will be 9 weeks Nov 16th. 2 females 4 males left. Vet check will be November 12th Please contact if interested. Unique silver male in this litter. Our adult dogs are raw fed so we will do the same for our babies. Pups will be weaned to goat milk/Keifer (and momma’s milk) then placed on raw. Pups will come (if interested) with a starter pack to continue with raw and that will last you a month, at that point you can decide to continue or not. That package will also come with the info to simply guide you, and the supplier info you can directly contact for any extra info. She is very reasonable on her prices as a matter of fact it would probably cost you less then the price of a bag of kibble, but most important of all… No vet visits, as we know this breed is known for their sensitivities. We have 4 adults with no issues. This can all be discussed at a later time. $200.00 non refundable deposit. Mom is charcoal dad is a ginger!

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2022-09-14 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming