Need to rehome one of our dogs
As the header states, I need to rehome the female as she is becoming more aggressive with our male dog .
About her; she is two years old and was adopted at the 1 year mark from an abusive previous owner. She is a good family dog for a home with just her as the only dog. She is very good with cats , and kids. Just I think the trickle effects of having to deal with her prior owner being abusive and no real experience around other dogs aside from her brother hasn’t helped.
Very smart, and can free roam when no one is around without destructive tendencies. Very sweet girl that just needs some one on on attention without having to compete with another dog. Updated shots, and she is fixed. Paperwork is available , and it’s preferred you have a larger yard or access to trails for her to dispense her high energy (German Shepard/husky/ malemute). She is also between 75-85 lbs. Thanks

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2020-04-17 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming