Reptiles for Sale
Multiple reptiles for Sale.
- Green Keel-Bellied Lizards/ Gastropholis Prasina
Captive bred F2 offspring. 2023 hatch dates, various ages.
Available: 12 males/6 females/6 unsexed
$200.00 females
$175.00 males.
- Italian Ruin Wall Lizards / Podarcis siculus Klemmeri
Captive bred, from Europan Cbb parents
1.1 (pair) 2022 Sub adult pair $500.00
2.0 (2 males) 2023 $250 each - negotiable
- Mourning geckos: *SOLD*
Cbb 2022/2023
At least 10 individuals (estimated) at various ages/size.
Take all for $80 - negotiable
- Gargolye Gecko.
Gender unknown, captive bred. Can give parent pics.
Lovely orange/red stripes down back.
- Crested Gecko
Male, captive bred. Can give parent pics.
$200.00 - negotiable
- Fire Skink
Unsexed wild import. Got as a juvenile last year. They are eating great and growing well.
Deposit required to hold. Please do your research ahead of time. Proof of proper enclosure may be required.
No shipping at this time.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | reptiles & amphibians for rehoming