Warhammer 40k Killteam - Looking for Players
Looking for more Killteam players to join our play group. There are 4 of us currently; we all met through Kijiji. Hoping to find a few more players and run a campaign in the new year. We have played 2, 3, and 4 player matches.
All skill levels welcome. Between the four of us we have most teams covered. We have tons of terrain and can usually all host games. If you're new to the game we can teach you. We're all middle of the road players; matches are super fun but we still look up rules occasionally. All of us are within 25 min of downtown Halifax (Spryfield, Larry Uteck, Kearney Lake).
We are all in our 30s-early 40s and most of the guys have small kids so we usually play 7pm games.
Toss a message if you're interested in gaming!

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