Weekly Meditation Group
We are inviting anyone who is interested in meeting every Thursday at 7 pm (South End Halifax) for a one hour session on an Introduction to Meditation. We will introduce participants to guided and non-guided meditation (also known as "a sitting").
No experience is required, no fees are asked for, no membership, nothing to purchase, join us when it is convenient for you, a heated space and cushions/benches will be provided. Washroom facilities are available.
Who am I? and Why am I here? are two questions that have arisen over thousands of years for humanity. For many centuries people have long searched for a meaning of or a reason for our existence, and yet, no matter what path one choses, the journey always returns back to ourselves.
Is there anything I can participate in that may be helpful in understanding these questions and why the answers may be helpful for my existence on this Earth?
Please feel welcome to join our small and humble group!!
With best wishes,
You can send an email to "david.chaisson11@gmail.com" to receive further information on location and answers to any questions you may have!!
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