RocknRoll/PowerPop band seeking Guitarist/Vocalist
Hey, currently 3-piece band late 20s/30s, looking for a guitar player/singer for our Power Pop/Indie Rock/Nerdcore band that is very rocknroll cool and serious but also plays songs about pro wrestling and video games and cartoons and Power Rangers.
Need someone who can play/learn pretty easy, mostly to back up the lead guitar on rhythm and maybe do the occasional lead/solo lines, but we especially need somebody who can confidently sing backup and harmonies, as basically all our songs have some harmonies/backup needed and we currently only have lead vocals.
If you’re into this and meet most of the requirements but play bass instead of guitar, give a shout anyway and we might be up to shuffle our bass player to guitar if it’s the right fit. Queer/trans/enby friendly and all voices welcome, but if you have a higher range/fem leaning voice there might also be opportunity to sing some leads as we’ve got a couple songs our old bass player used to sing that don’t really fit our voices. PM if interested and we’ll see about setting up a jam soon
Also, we’re playing the opening set at RadStorm Jan 12th, feel free to come check it out if you’re free and wanna get an idea

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