7 month old Huskey shepherd
Buddy is a 7 month old Huskey shepherd. Born January 18th 2024. He is spayed and all shots up to date. Microchip and license with the city. Amazing with other dogs. And cats. Very very chil temperament. Very shy to people til you pet him.
I inherited him a week ago when his owner passed away. I would love to keep him but I have a bachelor apartment and just not fair to him. Buddy is house trained comes with his vet papers and license papers. He does know a few tricks. His owner had Epilepsy. And Buddy had started lessons. To be a service dog. Not asking much. Just to give to his family to help cover cost. Buddy is located near Victoria park and eglinton area. More then welcome to come visit.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming