American pitties
Mother and son are looking for a new owner.
Male puppy aka Buddy was born April 15 2024 He's super affectionate very friendly outgoing curious adventurous very obedient quick to learn and eager to learn new tricks he will come with a little bit of accessories including leash collar and some of his toys he's never been to the vet so he doesn't have shots or deworming done. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE asking 500 to cover the cost of mom's vet bill.
Mother aka Tara is 2 and a half years old and has been to the vet she has had all shots up to date but isn't fixed and will definitely need done she isn't for breeding so please don't due to her first she had complications. She is very loving and well trained a good support dog. Asking for 300
Reason for rehome is small living space and son has allergies.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2024-04-15 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming