Mini Cockapoo
I have an adorable mini Cockapoo who possesses a gentle and friendly demeanor. She gets along effortlessly with other dogs, cats, kids, and adults alike. Her friendly nature shines through as she is incredibly sociable, harboring no signs of aggression or biting tendencies. She craves human interaction and relishes moments of cuddling. Exploring the outdoors brings her immense joy as well.Her well-being is exceptional, underscored by her health, kindness, and affectionate disposition. She's been diligently dewormed and has received all the necessary vaccinations. Alongside her, you'll receive her puppy passport, cherished toy, and comforting blanket. Born on June 4th, 2023, she's grown to be a remarkable companion.Relinquishing her isn't an easy decision, but due to changes in my circumstances, I find myself unable to provide the time and care she deserves. Additionally, the safety of my beloved pup is a concern, as she's vulnerable due to her size and faces challenges from other dogs in the vicinity. I initially welcomed her from a caring home breeder, but my current responsibilities prevent me from overseeing her well-being as I'd like to. Hence, I'm earnestly seeking a loving and secure home where she'll flourish under proper care.Feel free to reach out to me here via directly messaging me for more detailed information about this wonderful pup.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2023-06-04 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming