Puppies for sale to be rehomed March 13
mom is a shelti/ begale dad is german short haired pointer mix vizla we have 3 girls .. they are the 2 tan ones and the brown and white one and three boys who are the dark solid colours wich have some white and brown in distinct areas. These puppies where born jan 16th and are to be rehomed to loving families by march 16th. Very loyal lovable and great family dogs good with children. Puppies will range between 25 to 45 pounds so a mid size dog short hair and very little shedding....if you are intrested you can come see the pups as of this sunday feb 13th. Puppies will have thier first shots and deworning and vet papers for proof. ... pls contact thomas at 416 970 8934 or agapi 647 5398243 for any or
email me at agapithomas@yahoo.com furthermore questions

- Offered by: Shelter
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2022-01-16 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming