Skipper the Walker Hound - 1.5yrs old, male, neutered
Skipper the Walker Hound (male, neutered) is looking to be rehomed. Rehoming fee of $100
Location: Bradford, ON
D.o.B: November 11, 2020
Weight: 37lb.
He is a playful and energetic dog, who is great with families and other dogs (preferred to have a companion dog, s he has one now). Skipper is great on a leash, listens to simple commands and is up to date on all vaccines. Skipper enjoys the outdoors, walks, and a chew bone every now and than. A home with a fenced in backyard is preferred so he can explore. A loving family that is often around the house will make a great fit for Skipper's next home. Skipper will howl when someone in his pack returns home, but simply letting him outside or taking him for a walk will calm him down. Rehoming needed as my family has grown, along with other circumstances, and we cannot provide Skip with the attention he deserves.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2020-11-11 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming