Green cheek conure looking for forever home
Zoro is a two year old male green cheeked conure who I got recently because I saw his living situation and wanted to help. He was being severely neglected, and I want to help him find an experienced owner to love him for the rest of his life.
He’s a very sweet bird, he loves to dance and whistle and his favorite thing is too climb onto your head and shoulders and stay there for as long as you let him. I’ve noticed he likes women most and flies to my mom the most.
He has let us pet him/has stepped up a few times but is generally afraid of hands and will nibble on your finger.
I unfortunately only have the cage his last owner had that is very small but he enjoys being outside most of the time when he’s been with my family.
I want him to go to someone with other conures as I believe he would do great in a flock where he can learn from other birds (he doesn’t really know how to play with toys/forage).
I am charging a re homing fee because I want to make sure whoever takes him is serious and has the funds necessary for him.
please contact me if you want to have this amazing boy and are serious!
*** will also give his food and any other supplies I have for the little guy.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | other pets for rehoming