Riding lessons for beginners/Possible lease
Exciting news! Beginner lessons are now booking for Jan/Feb dates, 50% deposit required at booking.
All classes over the winter will be indoors, a Teaching Assistant will catch all horses for students as well as turn out (so your kids can stay warm and safe!).
We are located 20 mins from the south edge of Edmonton, and 3 miles off highway 2, paved except for the last 1/2 mile.
Students will learn the following;
All tack up and grooming from start to finish.
Blanketing horses.
Walk/trot/canter in progressive sessions under saddle, recreational riding.
Minimum one groundwork/handling session per 8 week period at our discretion as we feel this is overlooked in most programs.
Ages 6 and up
Adult beginner sessions are available.
All session run 1 hour and 15 mins including the tackup and/or untack. Parents will be allowed to drop off student and leave once student is with TA.
Please, No parents, friends or siblings allowed in the tack up area with horses. A designated viewing area will be set up.
Sessions currently available sold in packages of 8 to 17.
All riders must have own ATSM certified riding helmet, boots with a 1 inch heel (no zippers on the inside) and soft pants.
Mystic Meadows Equine Centre:
Thursday nights (booking Nov 1) 530-7, 7-830 Saturdays (Oct 21 start) 10 and 1130 am start.
Saturdays will be coached by NCCP certified coach of beginners, previously shown to prelim in Ontario but her passion is the beginners.
Thursday classes taught by CR Horsemanship, who has many years successfully teaching riders both flat and jumping, and running summer camps.
Class size of 3-4 riders to insure your rider gets more time and attention. Ages 6 and up.
We do not offer make up lessons for missed sessions, riders are paying to hold an allotted time spot on their designated horses and that space is held whether rider attends or not. There **may** be the option- but not guaranteed- to trade amongst yourselves for a different lesson time if another rider is missing on an appropriate horse. Please talk to us as far ahead as you can to see if there is an option to make that up.
Saturday lessons will be filled after thurs spots are full. We need 3 person minimum to run any of our classes. There is the possibility of 30 min trial privates being offered Saturdays (possibly Tuesdays)once our minimum one class is filled. Price for our trial lessons is $84.00 prebooked and prepaid MIN 7 days in advance so we can plan our time accordingly. These are an intro to horses with 30 mins in the saddle to see if this is the sport for you.
As our horses are ageing we do have limits for their rider heights and weight. When you inquire please include that information so we may determine what would best fit your needs.
**Scheduled LEASE rides may be offered to riders who are in regular lessons and comfortable at all gaits, and want extra saddle time, min age of 12 with parental supervision. These would be prepaid monthly @ 35$+GST a ride x number ride days(either 140$ or 175$ +GST. These rides are meant for simple w/t work, balance, and do not exceed 45 mins in saddle time and 30-40 mins groom time. All equipment is provided however riders would be 100% responsible for catch/tack / proper warm up and cool down as laid out by the barn and drying horses appropriately for turn out as well as ensuring lights in facility are off and doors fully closed prior to leaving.
Single scheduled supervised (by barn owner) drop in rides NON lesson setting 30$+GST daytime option only weekday or weekends with prior booking/payment, this option is for riders with 4-6 months experience under saddle and at our discretion and one hour ride time, non barn access.
Feel free to inquire via this ad, or text or call 780-951-2332.

community | classes, lessons