1 beautiful chow chow for rehoming
We have a beautiful litter of chow chow puppies avaliable for rehoming. She have birth to 4 healthy pups. The mother is a gorgeous Purebred chow chow. The father is a pure bred Husky. I have bred chow chows in the past and with success. Although many people still believe in the aggressiveness of the chow we decided to use a Husky and did some research and to our surprise this mix is accredited and know to make a BETTER FAMILY PET. The protectiveness and loyalty of the chow chow still remains strong but you get the more calm nurturing kid friendly pet of the Husky. The cream colored is a male. The browinsh/beige is also a male and finally the all black is a female. Feel free to contact me for any details. We are located in Wakefield Quebec. Just a short 22 minute drive north of Ottawa. Each puppy comes with a starter package. Leash, collar, harness. Treats, puppy food a cure puppy hamper and more. Asking 1500 with shots or 1000 without. I always find it best that most people pick there own vet or most likely already have a vet. The choice is yours. Please call or text Rick at 613 415 7926 only 1 left. Black female she is honestly the best one. Filled with character amd decorum. She's my favorite for sure. Takes after her mom. It will he hard for me to part with her.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2024-02-09 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming