10 month old Australian shepherd/collie mix to rehome
He s a Australian Shepard /collie. One light blue eye and one hazel , he s extremely friendly and loving. Has a lot of good energy . I’m need to rehome him because I’m a newly single mom with 3 toddlers and a full time job. I have no time for my poor budy and he descend nothing but the best. I ask that who ever takes him, has time for him and can train him. And bring him out for walks often. He s good with kids , but seeing as he has a lot of energy , I’d suggest older kids are better. I don’t know how he is around other animals as he is our only one. He will come with collars , leach , food boles , and a big bag of his food and all his favourite toys. Also this wonderful boy s name is “ bingo “. And he answers well to it too :)

- Offered by: Registered Breeder
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2023-05-31 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming