Tower Painter
Company: Tower Power Group Painting Co. Ltd.
Doing business as Tower Power Group
Head Office address #202-15388 24th Avenue, Surrey, BC V4A 2J2 Canada
Job Title
Tower Painter
NOC: 73112 (Painters and Decorators)
Wage: $42.50 per hour (40 hours per week) - permanent/full-time.
Location of work: On assignment from: A-9119 W Ipperwash Rd, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, N0N 1J1, Ontario
Number of Positions: Twenty-five (25)
Required Language Skills: English (spoken)
Key Responsibilities:
• Painting of energized / high voltage electrical transmission towers + sub stations;
• Undertake paint preparation and apply paint with the use of mitts, brushes and/or roller
• Wearing and using your PPE (personal protective equipment);
• Climbing and painting using 100% tie off fall protection on live line Transmission towers; and
• Following company corporate health & safety rules and procedures.
Required Skills:
• Possess a minimum of 1 year of proven work experience in either painting live circuit high voltage electrical transmission towers or working as an electrical worker on Transmission or Distribution environment.
• Possess an ability to work outdoors at heights up to 150FT
• Possess an ability to rig a tower
• Possess an ability to use harness for safe climbing practices
Required Education:
• Not Applicable
• Accommodation with be provided by the employer for locations further than 100km from home base. A weekly meal allowance provided by the employer
How to Apply:
Please send your resume to the following email address: admin@towergroupgroup.com
Resumes should be sent as soon as possible and include all references, training certifications and experience within a high voltage electrical environment.
Only qualified applicants will be contacted and interviewed
Attention: Human Resources / Hiring & Contract Administration
- Job type: Full-Time
- Company: Tower Power Group Painting Co. Ltd.
jobs | construction, trades