PP My Colours Flashy - 2023 APHA Palomino Tobiano Colt
Check this guy out! Flash is a beautiful golden palomino tobiano colt 6 panel negative by parentage. DOB: May 26, 2023. Flash is from the crossing of our Mr. Leo Express daughter and our grandson of Color Me Smart. This little guy has alot of reining in his pedigree but his my mom was one heck of a roping horse in her day! She was used in feedlots and ranch horse competition and excelled at it! Both parents have amazing disposition! His full brother is lined up to start his reining training next spring in Vancouver. This lil guy should excel at reining/ranch horse events. He will be a short stocky fella won't be taller than ~15HH. Up to date on deworming and pail trained but not halter broke. Was weaned end of October so ready for new pastures.
Pedigree Info
Dam is the daughter of Mr Leo Express, money earner and APHA points in Longeline, Reining, Trail, Working Cow Horse and Cattle Penning. Mr. Leo Express has 33 life time performance points, 2 grand reserve grand champion APHA. Out of the 33 points 13 in reining with register of merit, 8 trail points and 8 western pleasure. A notable AQHA sire on Shimmer’s papers is King Leo Bar; SI-95, H-27, P-28.5, AQHA Champion Sire, AQHA Ch/ROM Arena, Superior Perf. Sire of Superior Perf. Another notable sire is Dam Yankee; 1 lifetime performance, 1 lifetime halter and 1 x APHA grand champion.
Sire: Paternal Grandsire; Color Me Smart world champion cutting horse, first Million Dollar Paint sire, sire of 2 NCHA Open Super Stakes Champions, sire of 215 foals that have earned over $3 million in NCHA earnings, sire of 23 APHA World Champions and 17 APHA Reserve World Champions. A $3.6 million cutting horse sire, Color Me Smart is the only Paint to have reached that honor to date. His offspring have excelled in the National Cutting Horse Association, National Reining Horse Association and National Reined Cow Horse Association, as well as in the rodeo arena. Sired by the great Smart Little Lena (QH)-a sire whose own foals have earned more than $36 million in NCHA to date.
Maternal grandsire; Gay Bar Olena was the Top Placing Tobiano Paint Horse at the United States Equestrian Team Reining Finals (Semi-Final Winner with a score of 225 1/2) Two-Time World Champion APHA Reining Horse & APHA Superior Reining
Smart little lena: LTE: $743.275 (NCHA Triple Crown Champion), SIRE RECORD NCHA $42.3 Million DOLLAR SIRE, #2 All Time Leading Sire, Equi-Stat Leading Cutting Sire, NCHA- AQHA Leading Cutting Sire. Smart Little Lena has lifetime earnings of $743,275 in US dollars in just eight shows. As of 2010, he still held the record for most money earned as a 3- and 4-year-old cutter at $643,275. As well as he was still the second-leading sire in the NCHA. He was also a National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) $1 Million Dollar Sire in 2011. As of June 30, 2019, his produce earnings as a sire were $1,214,960. Due to his earnings of over $39 million, Smart Little Lena is in second place for all-time cutting horse sires. With a total of $57 million of foal earnings, he is first place as the leading maternal grandsire.
QT Poco Streke has earned the NRHA Bronze Trophy, the APHA World Championship Reserve Reining Stakes. Winner of the World Wide Paint Horse Congress, High Point OCAP horse (all thru NRHA competition). He was the Reserve NRHA LO at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Twice NRHA Open Champion, and twice NRHA Limited Open Reining horse. The sire of 4 Top Ten APHA World Show 3 yr old Reining Futurity finalists and a Top Ten 3 yr old Cutting Finalist. Has earned over 2400 points in Halter, Western Pleasure, Steer Stopping, Calf, Roping, Heading, Heeling, Reining, Amateur Reining, Working Cow Horse, and Working Ranch Horse. Doc olena champion cutting horse and a sire of champion cutting horses. He was inducted into both the AQHA and NCHA Halls of Fame. He was the 1970 NCHA Futurity Open Champion. He also sired Smart Little Lena, the first horse to win the NCHA Triple Crown.

- Ad Type: Offering
pets | horses, ponies for rehoming