Looking for WORKOUT / TRAINING partners
I've had this ad down since the world went nutty in early 2020, and it's time to put it up again. I've met some great people in the past that I've trained with, a couple of whom have become good friends.
FYI, I'm vaccinated if that matters to you.
I've been putting in an effort to being more active. I prefer to actually enjoy my work out/active time when possible. And it's also a hell of lot more motivating to do with others.
As far as general fitness/workouts, I'm up for hiking, running, swimming, diving/flips, handstands, biking, calisthenics (play grounds are awesome for this), plyometrics/hill sprints, parkour, crossfit, HIIT, weights, climbing, stretching, yoga, etc. In the nice weather months, I tend to spend the majority of my active time outside.
Sparring, boxing, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, martial arts in general is what I've found to be the most fun and best type of workout, along with being a constant learning experience. So I prefer this, but I'm up for any/all of the above (or something completely new). If you don't have much experience with martial arts/combat sports and want to learn, I'm happy to pass on what I know (and if you ever end up becoming a UFC champion one day, I'll assume it's all due to my tutelage so I want a shoutout in your post-fight interview with Joe Rogan...and a pizza).
If you're looking for something similar, or have any other workout suggestions, I'm all ears.
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