AMHR Chestnut Appaloosa mini mare
Abby is one of those unicorn miniature mares. She is confident and enjoys being the boss of our docile herd but is not mareish. She leads with a nuturing energy and makes sure everyone is happy.
She loves going to shows and gets excited whenever the trailer is out hoping she will be loaded up for another adventure. She also will stand for hours to be pampered by kids (even if that includes markers, glitter, and bad clippers).
She will announce to and gather the herd when we approach the paddock and be first at the gate to greet us and get her scritches. She is also very fence respectful (even if the tape is not powered).
She has won endless ribbons in halter, costume, and in hand agility with her previous owners. But I have failed her as life threw a few curve balls and I have not had the opportunity to do anything fun with her.
She loves her farrier visits and is bare foot with beautiful hooves. She is also good with our vet team.
She is eager to learn and do. Would be an excellent 4H partner.
DOB May 2013. (10yo as of current)
Approx 37” - bring your stick to confirm.
Excellent health - no founder, no lameness, UTD teeth and vaccines (5-1+rabies). Never been bred.
A true kid proof turn key mini! Just pretty her up and start collecting ribbons.
Priced under value for her quality and skill set.
Pickup only. Price firm.

- Ad Type: Offering
pets | horses, ponies for rehoming