Nikon D7100 Camera, lenses, and extras
Or best reasonable offer for my Nikon D7100 camera, with low shutter count (only 10,640 images), includes a Nikkor DXVR AF 18-140 mm lens (1:3.5 - 5.6), a Nikon Battery Charger MH-25, one battery, camera to USB cable, and a small Nikon backpack, Great shape. This was bought as a package (original retail was $2,000) so would prefer to sell it as such. Price: $750, or could consider parting out. Reason for sale: camera, lens and equipment are no longer required.
Other additional items for sale for the above camera, priced separately as follows:
Nikkor AF Micro 60 mm 1:2.8 macro lens: $300
Nikkor AF ED 70 - 300 mm F/4 - F/5.6 D zoom lens: $550
Nikkor AF 50 mm 1:1.8 D lens: $200
Tamrac neoprene digital comfort camera strap: $20
Nikon wireless infrared ML-L3 remote shutter release, with case: $5
Silk Compact 8451 T small lightweight tripod: $30
Visible Dust 7 X Quasar Sensor Loupe with case: $85
Allen lens cleaning "pen" brush: $20
Artic Butterfly Lens Brush set with 2 X sensor brush, mirror brush, 724 electric brush, and case: $100
Optex 67 mm UV
Tiffen circular polarizer 67 mm never used: $40
Tiffen Sky 1-A polarizer, 62 mm (for 70 - 300 Nikkor zoom: best fair offer
Tiffen 80 B 62 mm (useful with tungston lights + daylight non-tungston film): $18
Hoya Special Effects PL-CIR filter for tungston film $30
Hoya UV (0) 55 mm filter: $10
Prefer to sell everything as a bundle. Price somewhat negotiable if you purchase everything.
Location: Bedford, N.S.

- Ad Type: Offering
- For Sale By: Owner
buy and sell | cameras, camcorders