Pineapply Conure - Tame & Friendly
I have a wonderful Pineapple Conure that I need to rehome for no other reason that it was my son's and the Conure ("Rookie") didn't bond with him.
Rookie was purchased at Exotic Wings & Things in St. Clements as a baby and has all of the necessary papers and is tagged. We don't know if Rookie is a he or she and according to the experts, can be either based on her/his behavior.
Rookie is however fully bonded to a budgie we rescued and shares a cage with him. We would like them to remain together. As for the budgie, we believe it's a he based on it's beak color and do not know the age.
Both are relatively quiet if given the proper amount of attention which we normally take Rookie out twice a day. Rookie's flight feathers have always been clipped but not the budgie's. The budgie is trained however to fly back into the cage when we want it to.

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | birds for rehoming