Discus breeding rack
I’m shutting down my discus breeding rack. I had big plans to expand it (I have four tanks for the top rack that I never installed) and breed more, but life got busy, and it’s time for me to downsize. Apologies for this photo of the system while I was doing my bi-monthly scrub down.
It consists of the following parts:
- Homemade, super solid wooden rack
- Homemade, super solid wooden sump stand
- 1x 100gallon low sump/grow out tank (crack near the top effectively means it only holds 75-80 gallons; corners partitioned off to keep dry out of the return/water change pumps)
- 4x 30 gallon tanks with overflows drilled at the back.
- 3x 20 gallon long tanks, not drilled yet
- 1x 25 gallon long tank, not drilled yet
- Return pump for middle row tanks
- Tubing, manifold, ball valves, Fluval inline uv clarifier
- Water change pump (front corner) and tubing
- RO auto top off/water change system, tubing, float valve
- 3x 4’ full spectrum led light bars (1 brand new in box)
- 6x sponge filters
- A few spare breeding cones
All told I put probably $2000 into this system. I’m willing to negotiate, but I’m hoping to land somewhere near $1000 for all of it. Drop me a dm with any questions.
Pick up only, in St Clements (just outside Waterloo)

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | fish for rehoming