Increase Bushel Weight - Grain Hydration +/- Drying tools
Looking to bring up Canola , Oats etc and ship heavy Grain?
New: Hydration! Whats required?
• Adaptive AG Temp Humidity, Static pressure Plenum sensor
• In Bin cables that are Moisture and Temp
• Halo, Bindapt Plus, or Bindapt Pro (A bindapt product that has at least one Output for Fan Control
• Aeration Plus Relay system
• Our Ambient Temp Humidity Station sensor.
Newly Released next level computer + Smart phone system includes Free web farm management app, crop planner, and visual farm layout system help you keep track of bin inventories manually, (OR automatically with our Bin Halo system)
We have several bin monitoring solutions, available which include basic single cable bin monitoring, multi cable monitors, automatically aeration fan controls, exhaust fan controllers, and headspace temperature, headspace humidity, Carbon dioxide C02 sensors. Our system can dry grain using Natural air, or control a supplemental heater, as well as hydrate by using natural ourside air (running your fans a that correct time). Control all of this from a smart phone and / or your computer from anywhere in the world.
We have wifi extenders that can plug into your shop Internet Router, or house router to extend wifi to your bin yard.
Our bindapt Plus and Pro boxes have plenum Temperature. Humidity and Static Pressure sensors with output ports to also control the correct amount of supplemental heat for in bin grain drying. Ask about our adapter plates and Flagro diesel heaters.
Sign up today for our FREE bin management inventory , and farm visual plus software, create your bin yard , plot bins on a visual map, assign tasks, mark rocks , calculate acres, includes crop planning software. Try our cellular based (data fees apply) or wifi based (No fee) bindapt products, turn your bin into a smart bin today.
Text call 3068501259
Complete custom systems available to your bin yard, Free technical after hours and weekend support during harvest. Not tech saavy? Our system is easy to install and use!
- Ad Type: Offering
buy and sell | business, industrial