Ckc french bulldog in heat
blue and tan french bulldog She is a female, in heat not fixed she's a . 2 years old Dewormed, vaccinated. And she is microchipped she was born in our house I currently don't have a male for her and I'm done bleeding my husband currently got hurt at work and I have a full-time job I don't have the time from breeding anymore She has no allergies what so ever she eats anything. She's very healthy, excellent health. She's trained, except for when she's going through heat she can't hold her urine and will need a diaper other than that she will not go inside. Shes a very friendly dog, good with other dogs and she's fantastic with small children she will never bite. She barely barks unless she needs to go. She's very sweet. I cannot have her anymore unfortunately, I have a very busy life,

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2023-04-18 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming