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Looking for nanny to pickup child from school (walking distance)
My name is Alistair from Maple Ridge, British Columbia and I am looking for a dedicated and reliable nanny to pick my child up from school at 220pm, take him home, and take care of him until about 4pm or 430pm during the school year. I am looking for someone who is willing to work part-time to provide primary school care.The ideal candidate must be able to provide supervision, create a supportive and engaging environment. If you are interested in this position, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!Please visit to view full details and to apply. FREE REGISTRATION and lots of jobs to choose from! is the #1 Nanny Site in Canada, trusted by millions of Nannies and families. Visit for lots of jobs to choose from!Browse interesting jobs in your neighbourhoodEasily message and connect with the families you likeGet hired quickly and seamlessly
- Company: Kijiji
Private User
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jobs | child care