looking for a good caretaker to care for green cheek conure
male green cheek conure (named Leo), almost half a year old (few months old) ready to be trained/retrained. Need someone with bird experience who understands birds and how to deal with them. Do not contact if not ready to spend a few hours a day with conure, if cannot provide conure with adequate sleep (10-12 hours), cannot provide good diet, and if cannot handle situations of biting with patience and no anger because birds only bite when threatened, in an uncomfortable situation, or when they don't like something. This poor conure was in a household with poor caretakers. If you are a serious caretaker who will treat this bird with love and patience, please contact and answer a few short questions about how you will deal with the bird in certain situations.
- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | birds for rehoming