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Looking for Nanny in Kaslo, BC - $20-$30/hr - Loving & Friendly
Are you looking for a meaningful and rewarding job as a nanny in beautiful Kaslo, British Columbia? Look no further! I, Francois, am a family in need of a responsible, reliable, and nurturing nanny for our soon to be 18 month old twin girls. This position would likely begin in September 2023 and can continue on for the for-seeable future. We are offering full accommodation in a fully furnished cabin next door to our home. We are fortunate to live in the downtown core of Kaslo and are privileged to have the opportunity to raise our children in beautiful Kaslo BC which is a quite little mountain town surrounded by a fresh water lakes with 4 season weather. I can offer an hourly wage of $20- $30 The position involves providing childcare, helping around the house, and creating a safe and nurturing environment for our children.If you have a significant other you would like to move out with you we can also discuss options for employment within my construction business. We would like the successful applicant to be energetic and engaging with the children, as well as able to handle and adapt to different situations. We are also looking for someone who is organized and able to multitask. If you are a caring, patient, and attentive individual who is passionate about helping others, then this job is perfect for you! Message me today if you are interested in becoming a nanny for my family. Keywords: nanny, Kaslo, British Columbia, childcare, reliable, nurturing, wage, $20-$30 energetic, engaging, organized, multitask, caring, patient, attentive, passionate, helping.Please visit to view full details and to apply. FREE REGISTRATION and lots of jobs to choose from! is the #1 Nanny Site in Canada, trusted by millions of Nannies and families. Visit for lots of jobs to choose from!Browse interesting jobs in your neighbourhoodEasily message and connect with the families you likeGet hired quickly and seamlessly
- Company: Kijiji
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jobs | child care