Pets, Fish for rehoming with in Canada, Ontario.
Beautiful 60 Gallon Corner Salt Water Aquarium On Special For $300.00.
Comes With Light, Filter, Heater, 50 to 75 lbs of Live Rock, Substrate,
705 388 8878
Tons Of Beautiful African Cichlids Have Just Arrived
Great Prices Starting At $5 Each While They Last
705 388 8878
I have 2 koi I m offering to rehome. Both are healthy fish. I m just down sizing these 2 go together asking $20 for the pair pick up in Magnetawan. Can possibly deliver if. I’m going to be close by for work. Message with any questions.
Beautiful Blue Veil Angel Fish Special $15
705 388 8878
visit us on google (cichlid aquariums muskoka) for pricing, photos, to make appointments and to order
Located in Bracebridge Ontario by appointment only 7 days a week 10 am - 330 pm
we carry tropica live plants/1-2 grow cups, sera fish food, frozen brine shrimp/bloodworms, shrimp, discus, community fish,plants, shrimp, driftwood, koi betta fish and lots more !
We ship select products Canada wide
New stock arriving every week!
Visit our website to see our full stock, pricing, photos and to get the latest discounts
Cichlid aquariums muskoka
Message for link to our website if needed !
2 for $5
balloon x sailfin mollies
Males and females
Ivory mystery snails $3
Two glass cat fish $10 ea
Peppered Cory $10
Yellow/Orange shrimp available in Brantford.
All 5 regular and 1 gold for $100. Price firm.
I have lots of juvenile betta fish available. They are 4 months old and currently eating brine shrimp, blood worms and flake food. They range from blue, teal, red, yellow and white. Enjoy the experience of raising your betta from a baby and not one raised in a cup in the store. Unsure of sex. Hand in picture for size reference.
Many different colours of platy and guppy babies available (bred myself)
Willing to give deals if bought in bulk!
All the show males
Red empress
Yellow ob
Albino strawberry
Cherry ob
Blue Peacock tons of more
Fancy fantail guppies, males, females and babies. 20 mixed fish for $25.00.
I have some Albino Plecos for sale
Size from small to large
Price $10-30 depending on size
Located in Brantford
$5 for a large net full
Uranium bounce mushroom
Hey guys, It's JimmyJam the AquaticPlantsMan (APM). I have been aquascaping for over 25 years now and love the grow and share my plants/ shrimp / and fish with my community.
Recently I have put up a website to help keep track of the stock.Go to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
I ship every Monday via Canada post, OR FedEx for Shrimps during the warm months. Cut off for shipments is 6pm every Sunday, for Monday ship. Pickup is at our house in Markham monday to thurs after 6pm or sat before 11am or after 6pm. Shipping costs are calculated at check out. Pickup info will be asked for after checkout to confirm, usually, we need 24 hours to prep the package.
Just a hobbyist, so NO TAX, but I only take orders from the website just to keep my stock in check =)Here is some of my stock, but go to AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM for the latest stock/prices'/ sales.
Shrimp and fish
Blue Dream high quality breed true blue dreams
Nice video of them https://www.facebook.com/aquaticplantman/videos/429973290767822/?t=51
Crystal red shrimps
Bloody mary shrimp
Green jade shrimp and culls
Golden Shrimps
Black and Red Pinto Shrimps
Pure bred endler guppyPlants list
MOSS and Rhizome
subwassertang golf ball size
Taiwan moss (taxiphylum alternans) golf ball size
Java moss: closed fist size
Peacock moss (Taxiphyllum sp): golf ball size
Spiky Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.) golf ball size
Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei) Golf ball size
Buce moss quarter size
Mini string moss Quarter size
Fissidans Fontanus Phoenix moss: golf ball size
Round pellia : golf ball size
Floating fern “Salvinia Minima” : hand full
Jade moss (Rare) Toonie size
Hanegoke sp. Cameroon moss: for golf ball size
Creeping String Moss: toonie ball size
flame moss for toonie size
willow moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) golf balls sizePhillipine fern 5-8 leaf portion
Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion
Trident Fern 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias nana 5-7 leaf
Anubias Nana petite 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion
Anubias sp Pinto 5 leaf portion
Riccia Fluitans (golf ballBucephalandra list
lots more on the website FYI
Dark biblis8 leaf portion
bucephalandra sunset angel / 8 leaf portion
Bucephalandra Sp. lamaudu red/ 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp super black /8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra blue Wavy 8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra Ulysses /8+ leaf Aportion
bucephalandra Black Rosa8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp black velvet for 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra sp narcissus for 8+ leaf portion
bucephalandra sp. mini Feng /8 leaf portion (rare)
bucephalandra Red catherine /8+leaf portion
Bucephalandra Blue Velvet /8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Sp. Thea red/ 8+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Mini /8+ leaf portion
Titan 2 /5+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Blue Mahap /5+ leaf portion
Bucephalandra Kedagang Red Godzilla for 8 leaf portionBackground plants:
pogostemon stellatus 4 stems
Shinnersia Rivularis 4 stems
Pogostamon gayi(8+ stems)
Rotala Sp Colorata 8 stems
Rotala Vietnam H'ra ( 8 stems
alternanthera reineckii 3 stems
Ludwigia red hybrid 3 stems for
Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 6-8 stems for
Hygrophila Polysperma Rosanervig 3-5 stemsMidground plants:
Rotala mexicana 7-10 stems
Hemianthus microanthemoids(pearl weed or baby tears) (at least 7-10 stems)
Lindernia (5-7 stems )
Limnophila hippuridoides sp. Mini 3-5 stems
Limnophila Aromatica mini @aquaticplantman 3-5 stems for
Crypt tropica 3 stems
Crypt parva 2 mature stems
Crypt sp pink flamingo 1 mature stem
Crypt sp.pygmea 2 large stems
Crypt spiralis tiger
Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 10 stems for
Bolbitis heudelotiForeground plants:
lots more on the website aquaticplantman.com
echinodorus parviflorus.
Hemianthus Callicorids cuba 5x5 cm square
Marsilea Cranatum 8 nodes
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan 10 nodes
Helanthium Tenellum "Green" (5 stems for
Dwarf hair grass Eleocharis ParvulaGo to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
Feel free to join the community https://www.facebook.com/groups/AquaInspiration for support and questions.
Keep up to date with APM at facebook.com/aquaticplantman, insta @aquaticplantman
25 each that r about 4 ish inches long
Beautiful nano fish. These are tank breed.
They grow to approximately 2.5 to 3 inches. The ones rehoming are just over 2 inch. They about 6 months old.
Water temperature: 72°F to 79°F
pH levels: 6.0 to 7.8 (around 7.0 is best)
Water hardness: 5 to 12 dKH
Pick up only in Bradford
Assassin Snails for sale!
Assassin snails are a great addition to any tank with a pest snail problem, these wonderful things eat 1-3 pest snails a day so they are great population managers.
They also love Ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet snails.
Generally Assasins prefer snails their soze or under and will leave larger snails like Nerites and Mystery snails alone (as long as they’re are smaller to eat)
These snails also need a mate to reproduce so as long as you only have 1 per tank they will not over populate!
Pick up at Centenial Community Center Richmond Hill (Newkirk Rd and Crosby Ave)
Selling ramhorm snails for $ 0.10
Minimum order $5
If interested just text me @ 6474032143
~~~~~with nice roots and leaves~~~~
Regular size - $25 eachLarger size - $40 each
They can adapt to the water parameter (saltwater, brackish, or freshwater) to absorb nitrate. It is a must for any aquarium. Beautiful and refreshing.
——product available while post remains——
Saltwater Environment tip - Currently in freshwater, will require acclimation into saltwater. Just require a little patience.
Great for beneficial bacteria and enhances the ecosystem in the aquarium.
Pick up from Stouffville.
Proven discus breeding pair.
The red melon is the male and the yellow pigeon is the female.
Eats fish food granules.
$420 for the pair. Price is firm.
Pickup Yonge and 16th Avenue or elsewhere in Richmond Hill. For those who don't drive, willing to meet up at Finch Station.
Fish is still available if ad is still up.
Pick up in Maple near major mac and Bathurst. I have five available
Aqua scaping services, designing many beautiful aquascapes to your desire. The designs will be made with components of your choice and will be heavily planted
5 Gallon-$100 aqua scape fee
10 Gallon-$200 aqua scape fee
20 Gallon-$400 aqua scape fee
*prices may be negotiable with larger jobs*
Midnight Black Rams. Home bred and raised on daily baby brine shrimp feedings. Healthy, happy, bright and beautiful. 3-4 inches. Ready for their new forever homes. $45 +tx each. Price's are firm. Delivery available within Kingston city limits, $30 minimum order and fee applies. Thank you!
Visit our Website! ⬇️⬇️
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Female texas cichlid around 7 inches. Healthy and active. Downsizing.
Pickup or can deliver within Kingston for a small fee. View other ads for more fish.
Message on Kijiji or text 6139680825
Veil tail and other colours and varieties
Blue Panaque Plecostomus. Healthy, happy, bright and beautiful. Ready for their new forever homes. $80+tx. each. Price's are firm. Delivery available within Kingston city limits, $30 minimum order and fee applies. Thank you!
Visit our Website! ⬇️⬇️
https://longfin-lagoon-aquatic-exotics.square.site/Follow us on YouTube! ⬇️⬇️
https://youtube.com/channel/UC-G44y7jpJMvSZrkS6NO7LwJoin us on Social Media
Looking to trade or sell these two beautiful fish. White one is an albino lutino and the black is just a black tiger Oscar 5.5 and 4 inch. Will sell for right price so make an offer!
I have Nyererei Cichlids for sale.
Adult males $20
Adult females $10
Group 1M & 2F $35
Juvenile male (last pic) $10
Red Devil Cichlid roughly 11 inches. Healthy, active, eats everything, full of personality. Downsizing stock.
Pickup or can deliver within Kingston for a small fee.
Message on Kijiji or text 6139680825
Pygmy Corydora. Home bred and raised on daily baby brine shrimp feedings. Healthy, happy, bright and beautiful. 3-4 inches. Ready for their new forever homes. $6 +tx each. Price's are firm. Delivery available within Kingston city limits, $30 minimum order and fee applies. Thank you!
Visit our Website! ⬇️⬇️
Follow us on YouTube! ⬇️⬇️
Join us on Social Media
Dimensions LxDxH = 7 x 4 x 5
200 obo
38 gal. Setup
Tank, stand,glass for lid, hob filter, light with day and blue modes
Tank is in great shape, stand has wear and tear but I's otherwise functionally great
60$ each. 12 discus and 2 f1 discus
Size between 3”-4”
It's a tough decision but we are looking at rehoming our two breeding pairs. We are just wanting to take a step back from breeding right now and would hate to waste their best breeding years. And I wish we could keep them in our show tank but I'm worried the pairs will through off the balance in the tank.
Have a young pair of blue tiger turquoise discus. The male has had eye trauma, but doesn't effect his performance or the fry
And a pair of marble angels. Their fry ranged from being almost all black, to alot of white, and some will have beautiful flashes of bright orange
Both pairs of given us lots of fry
Discus pair $400
Angel pair $70
Located in st Thomas
5 inch red tail barracuda. It’s not actually a barracuda it’s just called that based of its speed and appearance. It’s a fresh water fish. Eats great. Only eats live fish. Will eat anything half the size of his body. So rosy minnows have been his meal of choice. 80 obo
I no longer have the space for my koi, they spend the summer in pond and winter in tank. Tank is 110 gallon with stand and filter/pump.
4 koi from 12" to 22"
The small two are 3 years old had them since fry, not sure the age of bigger two had them since they were about 10" 3 years ago.
Pretty sure 2 male and 2 female.
They are friendly and when are accustomed to you will eat from hand.
He's 2,5 -3 inch
Foam is around 4 1/2 x 5 inches
Back skirt tetras for sale or trade send an offer you have to take all 5
I have 5x red tetras and 5x black skirt tetras make a offer
5" white crayfish
20 gallon tank minimum
Prices are included in the pictures. Some have multiples available.
Cash Preferred
Can deliver in London
Open to trades
I have 5 fully grown adult cichlids for sale, $30 each.
Cichlid around 6 Inches, unsure of exact type. Might be a hybrid. Healthy, active, beautiful colours.
Pickup or can deliver within Kingston for small fee.
Message on Kijiji or text 6139680825.
See other ads for more fish, deals on multiple.
Looking for a 36x12 stand
Blue Panaque Plecostomus. Healthy, happy, bright and beautiful. Ready for their new forever homes. $80+tx. each. Price's are firm. Delivery available within Kingston city limits, $30 minimum order and fee applies. Thank you!
Visit our Website! ⬇️⬇️
https://longfin-lagoon-aquatic-exotics.square.site/Follow us on YouTube! ⬇️⬇️
https://youtube.com/channel/UC-G44y7jpJMvSZrkS6NO7LwJoin us on Social Media
I have a variety of aquarium decorations for sale, $10 each, all for $45, price is firm.