Rottweiler puppies
They are ready for there new home
Rottweiler puppies
Delivery could be a option if needed
Born on the 13 jan 2025
We have 10 puppies
1 boys and 2 girls left
All puppies are given;
Their first shot
3 times dewormed
Theys are beautiful German Rottweiler puppies
each puppy comes with its own health record.
health exam by a veterinarian
The parents are both German rottweilers and they are very good with childrens
My male is 3 years old and weighs 120 lbs and my female is 3 years old and weighs 115 lbs
they have a great temperament my parents are very affectionate, calm and disciplined they are on site and have been raised as a part of our family since they were babies
Every week after your deposit I will send you pictures and how the puppy is doing
Also, at the purchase of your rottweiler puppy , you will be given a small starter kit ( FREE ) witch includes;
Puppy food,Pee pads,Toys and a leach
Also A comfort blanket with their mothers scent.
Will be given to the new proud parent!
For |Reservation information
Ask for ; Lou
It would be a pleasure
Cel 613-315-8288 Lou or
Rottweiler \chiots
Née le 13 Jan 2025
Nous avon 10 chiots
1 garçon un et 2 fille de reste
De magnifique chiot élevage maison
3 fois devermufuger
Premier vaccin1
Record de sante personnel
Examen de sante par le vétérinaires.
Les parents ont un tempérament extraordinaire.
Notre male German de 3 ans pèse 120 lbs et notre femelle German de 3 ans pèse 115 lbs.
Les parents sont très affectueux, calme et discipliner il sont sur place avec nous.
Nos chiots sont élèves dans un environnement familial. Avec nous et leurs parents. A chaque semaine après votre dépôt je vous envoie des photos et comment le choit va
De plus, avec l’achat de votre chiots je vous offre une trousse de depart.GRATUITE Cela contient;
Laiche,Coussinet de pipi jouet
Couverture avec la senteur de sa maman
et Manger de chiots
Sera remis au nouveaux heureux parents!
Pour reserver ou information
Demander; Lou
Cel; 613-315-8288 or

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
- Pet's Date of Birth: 2025-01-13 00:00:00
pets | dogs, puppies for rehoming