Welsh Cob stallion
“Ace” is being offered to the public this year (limited amount of contracts) both Fresh and Frozen contracts are available. Early bird discount of $100 off his original $900 breeding fee if booked before March 1st.
Shipping is available
Ace is an up and coming young stallion with quite the lengthy and VERSATILE show record already. Breed shows, Dressage, and driving, he has given us 100% of him no matter what we throw at him. He is just eager to please, with minimal jumping training shows great form and athleticism over fences. His first foal crop is on the ground and we are awaiting his second this year. He has passed on his great mind and conformation in his first crop of foals. Recently just received Lifetime approval with ISR/Oldenburg and is approved Westfalen.
USEF Horse of the year National Champion 2023/2024
Breyer Model Limited Edition 2025
Multiple Breed show wins (Driving, Riding and Halter )
Grand Supreme Welsh
Dressage scores in his first year of Training and First Level into the 70%
NDPC Year End Open High Point 2024 with score of 74%
NDPC Year End Open Champion for Training and First Level
These are just a few examples but find more info on FB and Instagram!
Pm, call or email with additional questions
Fb and instagram for more info under Halcyonia Night Life
Standing out of Fearless Equestrian Amherstburg Ontario

- Ad Type: Offering
pets | horses, ponies for rehoming