Grower or pet pig
Castrated male kunekune pigs. Parents are registered kunekune breeding stock. For growing or for pets. 4 to choose from but we are only selling 2 of then
Born September 2023
Kunekune pigs are docile super friendly gentle and very feed efficient heritage breed. the breeds temperament makes them wonderful for pets. They also produce some of the highest quality pork out there and eat less than most other breeds of hogs. They are a pasture pig breed which does very well feeding on grass and vegetable waste.
They also do a really good job of turning vegetable kitchen scraps into fresh garden fertilizer! Help reduce your house hold food waste!
Photos will be updated soon they're quite a bit bigger now. These guys have been over wintered on top quality feed (the expensive part of raising pasture pigs!) and would be ready for processing in fall. If you have access to small amounts of pasture or secure bush these guys can be raised up on very little feed and result in top quality, chemical free pork

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock