Aeration Fans: Better Performance, Control from your Phone, Auto-Start, Bindapt Ready
Solid performance build. Auto-starts, manual start, and can control the fan from your phone or computer. Inline and Centrifugal. Single and three phase. Fans come Pre-Wired to connect with our Relay Control boxes, that connect directly into our Plenum Temp/ Humidity and Static pressure Sensors.
Need hydration? Ask about our free software tools that allow you to ADD water back into your bin through natural air hydration.
Our fans are designed for more airflow, to get through better natural and supplemental heat drying cycles. We also sell adapter plates and supplemental heating equipment to turn your grain bin into a grain dryer. See our website for more info.
Our aeration fans are backed by a one year "no questions asked" guarantee warranty, and we have freight shipping across Canada .
The market is changing, if you are looking to order any agriculture equipment, we have been told that there is a 20% increase on spring pricing for and Electrical components. We have a large shipment in stock, and recommend ordering before pricing goes up.
We have various stock inline and full centrifugal in stock, Single and Three phase
Single phase and three phase pricing examples, call/ email for pricing quote, our most popular fans are:
7.5HP Full Centrifugal fans, **Single Phase back Now In stock**, Limited 3 phase fans in stock
10HP Full Centrifugal fans **Single phase call **, 3 phase limited stock
Ask about our other Horsepower sizes for inline, Full Centrifugal High Speed, and Low speed, High CFM fans, 3-40 HP
Ask about our supplemental heaters, and portable rooftop exhausters as well!
Call Text 3068501259

- Ad Type: Offering
buy and sell | business, industrial