Turn your bin into a grain dryer with sensors, Supplemental heat Grain dryer aeration systems : FrostFighter/Flagro
Inquire about our universal style in line aeration bin fan adapter setup for Grain drying using standard construction heaters. We have patented systems for 3-25 HP aeration fans to fit both inline and Centrifugal "grain guard' side squirrel fan type modules, and all of the research info for proper safe drying methods (2000 bushel to 30,000 bushel bins). Our system can show you how to use your existing indirect diesel or propane/ natural gas heaters to efficiently dry grain. We also have New and almost new (high serial number) indirect heaters, with discounted shipping options available. Our system can dry up to two smaller bins at the same time (during decent weather), or use two heaters on 15-25 HP larger (30,000+) bins. Most of our 2019, 2020, 2021 customers are out in the field -EARLY- to ensure their grain remains top grade in the bin prior to poor weather.
• Graphing measures supplemental heat effectiveness, see if you are in the Drying Zone based on plenum conditions
• 2nd plenum monitor for drying bins at the same time
• (NEW) No in-bin cables? BINSTICK is here!
• Easy to move rooftop exhaust fans, - limited supply
• (NEW) Bin Inventory system!
• (NEW) Visual Farm PLUS, Map your yard, click on the bins, add notes, create crop plans
*Save $140/day on fuel costs with our grain drying solution Bindapt! Our Bindapt System consists of a thermostat and universal fan adapter plates to give you more control over your heater. The Bindapt thermostat will cycle your heater when your desired temperature is reached, saving up to 60% a day in fuel expenses.*
Our Bindapt PLUS and PRO systems allow you to control the heater and fans from your phone or desktop computer, as well as set alarms for power outages, ***measure incoming plenum humidity, temp, and aeration fan static pressure** , as well as monitor and control the heater based on in bin grain cables feedback.
NEW: second plenum temp and humidity monitor to dry two bins at the same time!
Inquire about our new custom heater ducting for aeration 12, 16 and 25 foot lengths. Custom pitch guarantees larger suction will not compress heater ducting. High quality, High heat rated, made in SASK!
**Limited Quantities Available**
Keywords: grain dryer, frost, frost fighter, frostfighter, diesel heater, deisel indirect heater, herman nelson, nelsen
Receipt given, visa mastercard available.
reply to this ad or text/ call 3062612114 , 3068501259
Upgraded 4000 cfm FV0-400RC Models now in stock, diesel and duel fuel (propane/natural gas)
Ask about our latest in bin innovation; Binstick!
Working after hours and weekends, just like you, call/text
--Alberta Customers, Ask us how you can qualify for 50% rebate back on your entire system, limited time and grant money available--

- Ad Type: Offering
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