Leghorn chicks available
Our beautiful and efficient leghorns are having babies!!!! Eggs have gone in the incubator and we are starting a waitlist. Our leghorns are a blue and light brown Color.
These beauties aren’t only known for their looks, as they are a favorite of the poultry industry. The leghorn will lay anywhere from 280-320 eggs per year. That equates to about 4+ eggs per week! They are absolute machines when it comes to egg production and, for that reason, are one of the best egg laying chickens. They are a wonderful chicken for people who are looking to reduce their feed costs with high egg yield. They are stunning egg layers but not a cuddly breed. Lay a large white egg.
Day old chicks $10
Pick up in Madawaska delivery possible to pembroke.
Minimum of 4 chicks per order

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | livestock