Barrel Horse
11 year old registered gelding.
Not for beginners on the pattern. This power horse has the speed to be competitive in any ring. Was futuritied and derbied. Then sat for a few years. Brought back into showing last year, but only show at some fun shows.
No alley issues, good to trailer, good with vet and feet. Up to date on farrier and shots.
Knows all the gaming patterns, but is better at barrels than poles even though he can do them.
High pecking order.
Can be ridden by less experienced rider off the pattern, but only experienced riders for on the pattern. Doesn't do anything bad, he is strong and needs a confident calm rider.
With the right rider this guy can go places.
Standing 15'3, lives outside 24/7 with a mixed herd. Only on grass and hay.
Located in Little Britain
Owner has more schooling to compete and owns a restaurant. Not enough time for a horse that would excel in a consitent program.
Videos available.

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pets | horses, ponies for rehoming