used PORCHLIFTS $4000 STAIR CHAIR LIFTS $2000 includes install
tags (service maintenance repair chairlift stairlift sales parts bruno savaria cambridge acorn stannah ross elevator wheel porch wheelchair vertical platform VPL) note: I dont do curved lifts.
check out my website at www.rosslifts.ca
Good used straight STAIR CHAIR LIFTS, only $2,000 each. Includes one good used residential straight Stair Chair Lift (with new batteries) and its professional installation. PLUS A TWO YEAR PARTS AND LABOUR WARRANTY IS INCLUDED. No taxes are applicable.
Good used WHEELCHAIR/PORCH LIFTS, only $4,000 each. Includes one good used residential exterior Vertical Platform Lift and its professional installation (on a site that you have prepared), PLUS A TWO YEAR PARTS AND LABOUR WARRANTY IS INCLUDED. No taxes are applicable.
note: I don't do any site preparation myself. If the porchlift is not getting installed in a garage, an outdoor site normally requires a 4" thick concrete pad, approx. 5'x7' in size to install the lift onto. There may be deck construction or modification or other carpentry work that may be needed to prepare the site. A suitable electrical outlet will be need to plug in the porchlifts' power cord. You would need to find a contractor or handyperson to do these site prep jobs. Of course I am happy to work hand in hand with the contractor or homeowner to do layouts and answer any questions throughout the process.
Ross Elevators and Lifts Inc. has been in business for nearly 10 years, and has hundreds of satisfied customers across the province, from far Eastern Ontario to the GTA and beyond, and north to Sudbury if need be.
Do you or your loved one have trouble getting up and down the stairs? A residential accessibility lift may be the solution. A good used stair chair lift and/or a wheelchair "porch" lift should give you back the abiliy to stay in your home and conquer the stairs once again.
My name is Ross and I can be reached at (613)334-8897 cell/text
My good used lifts are from the best-quality manufacturers and are only a few years old.
All lifts are installed and serviced professionally and correctly by a trained and qualified residential accessibility lift technician.
My prices are approximately half the price of what these lifts cost new. New straight chair lifts are in the ballpark of $3,500. New porch lifts can easily start at $9,000.
I do not sell new accessibility lifts, or deal with curved stair chair lifts. Split level staircases with straight stair sections can often be done with two straight stair chair lifts, since new curved ones are ridiculously expensive.
My warranty is better than one you will get with a new lift. I offer a two year parts AND labour warranty with all good used lifts.
There are NO TAXES applicable on any residential accessibility lift parts, sales, service or repair, by anyone, anywhere in Ontario.
Also, you may qualify for a 25% provincial income tax credit, depending on age and income.
CALL ROSS (613)334-8897 cell/text

- Ad Type: Offering
- For Sale By: Business
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