Trent and Sir Sandford Fleming: Martial Arts of Karate and Iaido
Want to do something different?
Trent University and Sir Sandford Fleming College students are invited to join the Kenshokan Martial Arts group for training in karate and iaido (traditional Japanese swordsmanship of the samurai).
No previous experience is necessary!
As we are not a business, training fees are very affordable. Discounted student rates are only $30 a month for one art, or $45 for both!
Come and train with a great group of people in the Zendokan Dharma Kumiai (ZDK) style of Karate -one of Canada's first Karate clubs- and in iaido, the traditional Japanese swordsmanship of the samurai.
All classes are taught by experienced instructors with decades of experience.
Great development for the body, mind, and spirit!
Do something enriching! Do something a little different!
Contact us for further details, and find us on the web: kenshokanATcogeco.ca & www.kenshokan.ca

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