Jodo Classes - Open Registration Starts
Registration; Looking for beginners!!! :) Open
Cost: $30.00 per Month
$120.00 for three months
Registration Starts
Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Open to Ages: 14+
What is Jodo - The Way of the Stick
The art contains twelve forms (kata) and were developed in part by Shimizu Takaji and by a committee tasked with the creation of a compact Jōdō system to be taught mainly in Kendo dojo. The result was the Zen Ken Renmei Seitei Jōdō system containing twelve forms (kata) and twelve basic techniques (kihon).
It is a great champion art for those doing other forms of Japanese Martial Arts.
Both the basic techniques and forms are drawn primarily from the koryu martial art Shinto Muso-ryu. The kata were chosen from the three first series of SMR, Omote, chudan and Ran ai as they were seen to best represent the art. Ten of these kata were taken from the existing SMR kata but with minor modifications as to better suit the requirements of the Kendo Federation. The two other kata was created specifically for the new Seitei Jōdō system and was not part of the original SMR-system. Seitei Jodo is today taught as a part of the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (All Japan Kendo Federation).
Please contact
E-mail: seitobugeijuku@gmail.com
Ph# 705 868 5754
More Info: sbjpeterborough.wordpress.com

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